I saw this article about cash today https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-47456698
Do you still use cash? I have to admit I barely do now and when I need to I am scrabbling about for it. I did find a tenner in an old pair of jeans last week though. I get an Uber when I go out so I pay automatically for that and use my debit card to pay for drinks or food when I am out or in shops. I think ice cream vans, small shops and black cabs are the only time I really need cash. Even parking you can usually pay online using an app now.
The most interesting part of the article for me was the pub that went cash free. A bold move but he says it saves him thousands as no more trips to the bank, less security as no cash on the premises, so insurance is also cheaper and so much time saved from cashing up and depositing it every few days. Cash is too expensive to deal with!
What do you think? Do you still prefer having a wallet full or do you just use your card (or your phone or your watch!) to pay?