Free listings will soon be available across the world

By : Business Owner
Published 14th October 2020 |
Read latest comment - 10th November 2020

Just been onto my google account and received this Announcement and am wondering if there is a catch or yet another impossible hurdle to jump over. Does anyone here know what this means.As if it is what I think I may be able to get somewhere on google again


Andy-C | Pewter World

No idea but interested to see if anyone else knows!

It's quite interesting, I will check it on our client eCommerce website.

Steve Good,
GWC India Pvt Ltd

Thank you

Andy-C | Pewter World

I'm assuming it's just more functionality for those that use Google shopping.

Search Engine Land has done a post on it: Google Shopping now free globally

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Hi Steve,


Thank you for sharing the Search engine land post link for more understanding.

I'm assuming it's just more functionality for those that use Google shopping.

Search Engine Land has done a post on it: Google Shopping now free globally



Steve Good,
GWC India Pvt Ltd

Well well I did a search on google shopping and my products are showing up now.. Only did 5 products but they all seem to be there.. Although they were heading so may differ if I use alternate wording.. Just done a search of "Pewter Photo Frame" and all there too... Also was wondering why my analytic s was going up every day

Andy-C | Pewter World

That's great news!! 

Good stuff Andy, let us know how you get on. Are you seeing an increase in conversion rates versus your other channels?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Nope, still the same right now, although my first time visitors have doubled. I get a lot of people that seem to stop at the sign up stage which is why I asked for help here, I just don't know if they are just leaving or a sign up issue .. I sometimes wish I had stayed with my Zencart website as there I had a steady stream but expensive overheads.Now it's no overheads and not many sales 

Andy-C | Pewter World

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