This year has been pretty relentless in one way or another, but are you good at saying no and having a break?
I have plenty of work booked up this week and really it is pretty close to being enough before Christmas, but my ambitious and driven side finds it hard to turn things down!
I'm not the same as at the start of my business, I certainly don't take on any and everything anymore! But I do sometimes push myself to the edge.
Firstly, I like each month to be better than the last, but secondly, I really want to help people, so saying no isn't doing that.
But, there's always referrals to others AND you need to put yourself first sometimes, as you're no use to anyone if you burn out.
Are you pushing yourself a lot at this time of year? With Christmas tasks on the list as well, it's easy to do! But time off is SO important.
As someone who owns my own business it is easier to be flexible with time off but also a lot harder to truly turn off from work and have downtime.
Being available and online all the time isn’t healthy and long term won’t do you or your business any good.
Time away from work and time away from social media is sensible for everyone, and sets a good example of a balanced lifestyle to children as well.
Remember to set a date to switch off and stick to it. And remember whatever you're asked, you can say no!
What date are you downing tools?