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What time of the morning do you start work?

Published 16th November 2009 |
Read latest comment - 9th April 2013

With recession blues all around, there are reports of employees starting earlier and earlier in hope of avoiding the redundancy axe, wonder what time business owners start work!

Me personally, I'm an early bird and can be found online from 07.00! How about other folk?
9:10 straight after the school run.


I need about 4 coffees before I start functioning, so arrive at 09.00 but grumpy till 10.00


forum avatarKip FX Design
17th November 2009 8:51 AM
Usually around 7am, but first 2 hours are just checking stats, emails etc, have always been an early bird, tend to be clumsy in the am, but my best thoughts and productiveness come into place here too!

I aim to be in the office for 08.00, but always seem to get in for 08.45

Still get in before Clive though And trust me, he really is grumpy...

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

The most trouble thing is to make up my hair,you know...

now thats one problem I dont have anymore!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

forum avatarKip FX Design
19th November 2009 2:02 PM
Whats Hair? isn't just the thing that makes your nose itch when you cuddle the wife?

forum avatarGreg
19th November 2009 3:27 PM
Im in at at 8 every morning. Everyone esle get in about 8.30

Whats Hair? isn't just the thing that makes your nose itch when you cuddle the wife?

How did you find out I cuddle your wife?

Im in at at 8 every morning. Everyone esle get in about 8.30

aww poor Greg - now remember to upload an Avatar! Go to your control panel (User CP at top of screen) and on the left you will see "edit avatar"

Lots to choose from or upload your own..

I'm on an avatar mission

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

I aim to be in the office for 08.00, but always seem to get in for 08.45

Still get in before Clive though And trust me, he really is grumpy...

what Steve fails to remember is that i have to do the school run first, shall remind him of this when his daughter starts school and he doesnt turn up until after 9


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