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What is Keyword Density???

Published 12th October 2010 |
Read latest comment - 9th September 2011

Hi MLF Friends,

What is Key Word Density? How to Check Key Word Density? anyone know Please Guide Me.

forum avatarmaxh
12th October 2010 2:42 PM
News from the front is that keyword density doesn't play a huge role in rankings.

You'd be better off designing the on-page information hierarchy to include your keywords.

Things like your keyword/keyphrase being in the URL, in h1 - h2 tags, being used in the body A NORMAL AMOUNT. And have internal links pointing to that page with your keyphrase as the anchor text (wikipedia is the gold standard for internal linking)

Keyword stuffing is a thing of the past. As it stands user signals and back-link anchor text pass the most relevancy.

News from the front is that keyword density doesn't play a huge role in rankings.

Tend to agree, although older schools of thought still think it can carry some weight.

Rule of thumb used to be about 5%, anything more than this is keyword stuffing.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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forum avatarGuest
12th October 2010 7:22 PM
Don't get too caught up with keyword density as already mentioned. Make sure your target keyword/phrases are in your body content but worry too much about hitting the 5% rule

If you do want to check the density of a web-page or text, just type into Google "keyword density checker" and you will find 0000's to choose from

forum avatarrapidsphare
25th October 2010 11:50 AM
In my opinion keyword density is the number of times a particular phrase has been used on a page, and while most people would suggest that your phrases should be placed in your title, keyword tag, description tag, h1, h2, alt tags, title tags, url tags, and so many other areas that you can think of it only boils down to one thing.

forum avatarJames_alex
28th October 2010 10:05 AM
the amount of keywords in contents are known as keyword density,it should be between 3 to 5 %. we have many online tools for checking density of the keywords.


Hey Samdriscoll.. I am totally agree with you on your answer. A short and perfect answer which can be easily understand by anyone. Yes there are many tools for checking keyword density but the most efficient tool is 'Keyword Density Analyzer Tool'. It is good and accurate and gives result 95% perfect.


forum avatarJames_alex
29th October 2010 12:49 PM
Thanks lot friends for your Good & Helpful Replies. This is very useful for my Business Online Local website development.

Business Man

Its our pleasure robert.. We are here only to help each other and discuss various issues like your issue. We all will contribute our best to this forum and each other.

I recommend using a keyword density ratio in the range of 2-5%.If you do more than 5% It may be harmful.

what is the target keyword/phrases percentage are in your body content that is the density of keywords. the min density is 2% and max about 10%


It is a combination of the number of times a keyword or a keyword phrase, in proportion with other words, appears on a Web page. So that means that the more the keyword appears in relation to the total number of on page words, the greater the overall keyword density.


forum avatarpromotional gifts
22nd November 2010 1:55 PM
I recommend using a keyword density ratio in the range of 2-5%.If you do more than 5% It may be harmful.

I agree between 2-5% is great, but just write and dont think about google. I find if I write an article or blog post then check the keyword % it normally comes out between 2-5%. If you write for Google it is clear to the readers that you are writing for the search engines and not for them and it can put them off!

I think this is something a lot newcomers do, I did it!


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