Groupon - do you use it?

By sjr4x4 : Administrator
Published 17th October 2011 | Last comment 2nd April 2013
forum avatardrauen
10th February 2012 8:47 PM
Once you understand the system of Groupon, it makes more sense. The merchant only offers a coupon on a product they can live with a 50-90% discount on. The whole focus is to get customers in the door, and upsale other products, or get them to come back.

Yes, the merchant needs to be ready for the heard that will come. Groupon does not work for all businesses, and the merchant must choose the right product.

Daily Deals are a trend now, and used right will be a win win for merchant and customer.


As for me, I would not address Groupon as the business owner though many of them use it to advertise their business and attract more new clients.

I have had a negative experince with them as a customer. Well, not actually with Groupon but with the dentist`s service being proposed there. I think many owners propose their services there with big discounts sacrificing the quality of the appropriate goods or services. I had to visit that dentist`s office for three times instead of the only one and I`m sure that I will never visit them again.


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