Bail-outs will always be needed to fix capitalism

By : Administrator
Published 6th January 2012 |
Read latest comment - 14th January 2012

Thought provoking title!

Interesting article on whether Goverments should intervene in the private sector.

Bail-outs will always be needed to fix capitalism
I'm a flat-out conservative and I say, let 'em die.

Ireland has got itself in a real fix bailing out dodgy banks. The whole point of a limited company is that it lets you walk away from insane debts without making you homeless.

Rewarding chancers is just stupid. We should be like the sensible Nordic countries, take a chill pill and let the speculators whistle.

Reg Addking

I agree to a point, if a business isn't viable, then it isn't viable. It may be badly run, wrong model or its market has disappeared, throwing good money after bad just prolongs the agony.

I guess the problem is when a business has grown to such a size and its failure and associated ripple affect will be far bigger than the firm itself, such as in a major bank failing, or maybe a utility company.

Is it right to prop up a failed bank? Nope, but when the impact affects a high volume of voters, then its no longer a business decision, it's political. So thinking about it, suppose there really is no thing as a truly free market economy?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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There is a documentary called Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, which discusses the problems in our current economic/financial system, which promotes excessive and irresponsible consumption in a world where resources are finite.

it is pretty deep and thought provoking.

the flaws with capitalism is part of a bigger problem that is embedded in our current social economic political system.


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