any advice on getting McAfee SiteAdvisor red X removed

By : Growing Business
Published 30th January 2010 |
Read latest comment - 27th February 2010

about a year ago we had a link on our web site to a shareware site

McAfee SiteAdvisor considers this to be a dodgy site and so we removed the link to that site, as soon as we found that it was considered to be a dodgy link.

but McAfee SiteAdvisor still shows our site with a red X and warnings.

not only that but SiteAdvisor lists out of date downloads as well as missing our key download which has been on our site for 2 years.

we've complained and asked for a retest but nothing has happened.

has anyone managed to get the red X removed



CRM Software, Contact Management Software, Quotes, Invoicing and Billing, Contact Database for Small Business

forum avatarbiz-angel
31st January 2010 1:17 AM
Oh man, this is a classic bad neighbour hood story

Why would you want to link to a shareware site, the hunting ground of spammers and scammers!

Just thinking out loud, I wonder if you have got yourself on some kind of blacklist due to the previous association? From what Ive heard, site adviser picks up from all the phishing and spam blacklists.

If your clean, you need to contact Macafee and find out more info. Be interested to hear how this pans out for you. Getting a public black mark can be a nightmare for any online business.

The McAfee site says the following

McAfee welcomes feedback about its site ratings and encourages site owners to contact us if they believe one or more of our facts regarding their site are in error. We pledge to work cooperatively with those site owners and to respond reasonably to dispute inquiries as quickly as possible. What follows is a description of the site rating dispute process.

Best to start here McAfee SiteAdvisor Software ? Website Safety Ratings and Secure Search

Good luck!


finally got the red X removed...

my advice to anyone else who gets in this situation is to keep contacting SiteAdvisor and pointing out that you have followed their advice and it has been months since they said they would retest.


Good news!

As biz angel said, always becareful who you link to! Takes years to build an online reputation, and minutes to damage it

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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