Anyone use a card payment reader

By : Forum Member
Published 4th June 2012 |
Read latest comment - 7th June 2012

i have a card reader that i take with me when out at work, so that my customers can pay by card which is much the way i like it. however i am in the last 12 months of my contract and am starting to look for an alternative company. i am with Commidea at the moment, which means i pay them for the terminal and my bank for the merchant banking. i am looking to eliminate one of the payments. Any ideas as to the best around i have found payment sense and am wondering if any of you have or do use them.
Your thoughts and help please


I can help you with Merchant Services (Not Payment Sense).

Face to face transactions, cardholder not present, E-commerce, Terminals.

If you want more information about prices and rates please contact me directly.




I will be in touch to tell you of my needs and you can tell me of rates etc


We do have a streamline machine in the office - have looked a few times at alternatives but have to be honest and say they are all pretty much the same bar a few starter incentives.

Have also looked in to the roaming sim ones but for the amount of times we go out & about it became too cost prohibitive.

There was a forum member on here that did contact me once -PM me if you are interested and i will dig out the name.


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