Google Images - Are you aware of the changes?

By : Administrator
Published 14th August 2012 |
Read latest comment - 28th August 2012

I must admit, I've never really taken much notice of Google Images, and I let this image update pass me by, but the facelift of Google Images is actually pretty impressive.

Instead of trying to explain it, it's easier to watch this very short Google Promo:
Search by Image - YouTube

So I tried it out and just literally dragged the logo off our site into the Google image search box

And low and behold lots of related images. You can also upload photos and see the same effect.

So from a business point of view, it's always been advisable to give your images sensible names, but now even more so.

Don't call it logo.jpg like most of us, but call it your <business name>logo.jpg

Or have any interesting images or graphics on your site, then think how you name them.

So does anyone make the most of their images? Do you see any decent traffic from them or have any marketing tips to share?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn
It's always been regarded as sensible practice to name images appropriately - keywords - enough said.

This is brilliant!

But yep, back to KW's


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