The science of improved social signals that can inprove ranking.

By : Forum Moderator
Published 24th August 2012 |
Read latest comment - 30th August 2012

I added this here as its about page rank, but I guess it would do as well with social networking.

Have a look at this post from seomoz. Its a long post and very scientific, and shows that improved social signals can in fact help improve ranking.

Do Improved Social Signals Improve Rankings ~ seomoz

Give it a read through, I did, more than once actually, and let me know what you think?

What I've noticed with social signals is that if a post gets lots of attention (shares, likes etc) then it seems to get a significant boost in the rankings but then this seems to drop back to original position once social activity stops meaning it is more temporary.

So I'm guessing that either it needs to continue to receive social attention or that you have to continually pump out content that gets social attention to lift the whole site up on a more permanent basis (as it indicates that you are continually producing good content)

Just my thoughts and observations but as we know things are changing quite a lot at present


Give it a read through, I did, more than once actually, and let me know what you think?

phew! A bit heavy going, but very interesting

What I've noticed with social signals is that if a post gets lots of attention (shares, likes etc) then it seems to get a significant boost in the rankings but then this seems to drop back to original position once social activity stops meaning it is more temporary.

Yup, thats also one one of the comments said, and it sounds like a fair point, meaning social is here and now, with upto date relevance, tweet, fb/google comment, but weakens quickly, where as a link is longer established and has staying power.

Be interesting to know if that really is how it works, but thats the way the evidence seems to be pointing.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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You would need to work on that constantly though, which is probably why most aren't really all that interested in it. It takes a lot of energy and time to focus on stuff like that, where some (won't name names) could get thousands of backlinks in minutes and almost for free with no time or effort.


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