Lost Custumers!

By : Growing Business
Published 11th November 2012 |
Read latest comment - 7th September 2013

Any tips to get Lost Customers back??

Are you ready to try this ?

- Buy Email Communication with discount offer
- Ask friendly reason why he not want your website
- offer live chat support.


Are you ready to try this ?

- Buy Email Communication with discount offer
- Ask friendly reason why he not want your website
- offer live chat support.



First thing to do is understand why they've left. Call them and ask nicely.
Ask them what would it take for them to come back.
Be nice to them, maybe give them a discount, show that you care.
Use their feedback to improve.


forum avatarJackD
4th December 2012 7:33 AM
Any tips to get Lost Customers back??

Well like other post referred try a lot of things and you will get back your customers, do get them back! But I personally believe that you should focus on "why they left" rather than how to get them back!
Or I am sorry to say that your current customers will also flee. As its said, "Its easy to find new customer but very hard to retain them". And remember that a satisfied customer is a loyal one. There must be a reason for the discomfort of your customer, find that and fix the problem forever!

Best of Luck!


Lots of good suggestions. Without knowing specifically what went on it's hard to say what to do - but hope that you get your customers back soon!


What are you now doing to keep your current customers? Will you lose them too if you're not hot on customer retention with current customers?

Tell us why you lost the old customers and we can help with more specific answers otherwise, people are going to suggest the really obvious stuff that most people in your shoes would have tried by now.

What have you tried? What worked and what failed? What is it that you do?


The obvious, contact them, and ask them why they left in the first place. Tell them how you have improved your business/service and tell them how much you would love to see them back. People like being valued and made to feel important. Reaching out and saying things like that may not win everyone over, but it has the potential of winning some over, unless they left as very angry customers.


Just like a lot of people stated already, you want to find out the reasons they left.

Keep in mind that you will lose some customers from time (no longer need your products, found better service/products elsewhere, no longer interested etc..).
Anything above your normal attrition rate, you want to find out the reasons.

I'm assuming you have emails and addresses of your customers,therefore you should from time to time survey your customers for feedback and/or have one of those feedback scripts on your webpage so you know how your customers feel about your products, customer service, and your website.

Hope that helped some.



hmmm true, but it still begs the question, how do you restore their trust in you and your products? One thing I've noticed is that its hard to convince a customer to trust you again, after they were left unsatisfied by some service or product.

Then again, from my own Retail experience, there are many customers out there that become unsatisfied rather easily, and would expect you to move heaven and earth to keep them happy. Because of that, I would then rather focus on making sure my existing clients are happy and well looked after and have a backup plan in place for those customers that are bound to be unhappy about something. Most times, this is enough to get them back into the fold, so to speak, but sometimes its better to cut your losses and focus on the clients you do have, instead of crying about a client that's never going to be satisfied, no matter what you do.

IMHO, in any case.


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