Anchor text is being replaced by co-citation - Seomoz Whiteboard Friday.

By : Forum Moderator
Published 21st November 2012 |
Read latest comment - 26th December 2012

I have already passed it along to the other side to see what they have to say about it all, but i thought I would add it here as well, as it seems really interesting.

Rand held a Whiteboard Friday last week and spoke about how some sites are ranking really well for "keywords" some webmasters and seos never really thought of. He goes on to explain why co-citation is replacing anchor text and what to look out for.

Would love to hear your thoughts about this

Here is the vid with the transcripts below.

I have read it before and from that i am looking after the effects. Interestingly and surprisingly i have found it quite right. I personally observed it for my web site and found a couple of new keywords ranking well that i did not knew before or i was not working hard for them to optimize. I have concluded that the contents that you own for your site play a huge difference and help promotion the web site and the keywords.


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