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I want to know that, What is the Difference B/W Article Marketing and Article Submission ??

Well as far as my knowledge is concern when we are going to promote our business through writing some good articles (written on our own business) this is called article marketing. Or in other words business promotion through articles is called article marketing.
As well as the article submission is concerned, the procedure in which we ask article directories to include our articles on their web sites is called article submission.
I have read many of the views people have shared here about the blog commenting. My point is exactly the same as many of the fellows have said. yes blog commenting is still useful for link building but there are some other concerns that should be considered before commenting.

The blog should not have much more comments as that provides many spammers to comment on not related to the blog but to get only a back link which is really look spamming. Do not bother it and do not comment on those blogs.

Secondly as said above one should consider commenting those blogs which are related to your web site or products and vice verse. Other wise the links would not helpful anymore as they would be not site wide links.

Thirdly it is really very tough to get a back link from a blog site as most of the moderators are following the restrict approval criteria. Thus everyone cannot see its comments approved by the moderators.

Although there may be some other factors present in blog commenting industry which may be or may be not discourage the commentators stop doing the commenting on the blogs but still i have examined may of the tycoons from the seo industry that are still used to it.
Page ranks in other than Google 2nd March 2013 8:23 AM
PR is entirely the term we usually use for Google assigned rankings to the website. As far as the Yahoo and Bing is concern they are having alot more distance from the Big G as it is the leader of the house. So they both (Bing and Yahoo) do not have any specific term PR so far. We might expect them to assign rankings to the websites in future.
It does not seem to be a strange thing to me as i am facing too these kind of fluctuations going now a days. I have observed the continues change in rankings like some one is continuously shuffling the bucket and the things are rounding within the bucket here and there. All is going extra ordinarily which seems we would have soon a news of up dated version of Penguin.
The case study is an experiment trying to observe about the changes going on. It is true that KWS having more spamming activities behind them are fluctuating aggressively than the less spammed KWS.
Will SEO end In Future?? 7th January 2013 6:55 AM
Actually seo would not go end or dead. i have read many debates about ending of the seo and conclusion was the same that as much longer as the web sites and search engine exists seo would not end. Optimizing the site depends upon the 200 specified factors and all would not end up by the year or in future. Web sites would need to improve the reputation and all we aware of how the reputation can be built up; the back links from the highly trusted and reputed web sites.
I have read it before and from that i am looking after the effects. Interestingly and surprisingly i have found it quite right. I personally observed it for my web site and found a couple of new keywords ranking well that i did not knew before or i was not working hard for them to optimize. I have concluded that the contents that you own for your site play a huge difference and help promotion the web site and the keywords.
Are you in favor of guest posting? 24th December 2012 10:29 AM
I am in favor of the guest posting. Guest posting actually give the readers a chance of getting acknowledge of the products and services the post is written about. Clearly it is a good source for getting some good and natural back links along with the handy traffic towards ones site.
which article is unique ? 7th December 2012 7:42 AM
Like I will second SJR4X4 .... Did you know about the duplicate data penalty, if you did then I am shocked and don't want to say anything. But if it was by accident then do check the Google Panda policies, it could ruin your blogs in search engines!

Well i am still puzzled in duplicate content and syndication terminologies. I have read many times in different forums, articles and other reading material about both of them and consistently found these both quotations every where. 50 % 0f the experts say that posting same article on different article directories is called syndication while the remaining say that it is called duplication of the contents. So if anyone has any authenticated source please share it to me from where i would get rid of this confusing situation.
what is keyword prominence? 3rd December 2012 12:54 PM
@sjr4x4 I really like your solution.

Irfan in simple words Keywords Prominence is placement of your keywords in all prominent places. Like you should include it in your page URL, title, in the first few lines of content, headings etc.

That is really a good answer with some good examples but i wish to add some more contents that are really important one; The first thing is that you might have many prominent places where one wish to place his keywords but it is for sure to not indulge in keyword stuffing activities like do not place the keywords more than 2 4 % or the total words used in a blog or article.

Secondly it is advised to place the keywords in the first line of the first paragraph and in the last paragraph to get some good results.
Free SEO tools for websites 26th November 2012 8:41 AM
I have used almost all the tools and websites that are discussed so far in this post. I do not think so that one can easily or ever find any effective tool free because the developers would not let anyone to have them free. Among all i found AHREFs more useful because it let the user to have 15 times to check the back links and keyword rankings.