If you're new to our Forum, or any forums, then a big welcome!
We want to keep this forum as friendly as possible, and to be used as a resource and tool for any current or potential business owner or entrepreneur, or anyone who has an interest in business, or growing their business.
As with any community, we have to have some rules, but most are common sense. So I hope you stay and become a part of our business community.
Rules in a nutshell....
1. Forum Signatures
The forum is 100% free to join and use, and if you edit your profile, you can leave a small signature that will display on all your posts, eg "Thanks, Steve".
For any business that has a free business listing with My Local Services, then you can also display a link to your business listing. If you have upgraded your business listing, then you will also have the ability to add a web URL in your signature link.
Unfortunately, this facility is only available to UK based businesses.
2. Spammers
If your here to spam, do nothing but self promote or generally be a nuisance, then you're not welcome and your account will be quickly deleted. No buts, if's or maybes. We want to keep this forum as spam free as possible.
This also includes affiliate link dumpers.
If you spot a spammer before we do, report it! You can notify a moderator by selecting the red report post option in the top right-hand corner of any post.
3. Abuse, defamation, racist, personal attacks and libel
If you're caught doing any of the above, depending on the seriousness, expect your account to be either be banned and posts removed, or edited and receive a warning.
There's no need for it, this is designed for professional business people, so an element of common sense and common courtesy is expected. Any decision from an administrator or moderator is final, as they can be held accountable for allowing any questionable content published.
If you are the victim or see any abusive posts, please select the 'report post' button which is in the corner of every post.
4. Promotion of illegal or antisocial activities, porn or 'warez' sites
Caught doing any of the above, either in signatures or posts, then expect to be banned. Simple. If you want easy links to your porn site, go find another forum!
5. Swearing and cursing
Remember this is a forum for professionals, ie business people, so there shouldn't be any need to swear. But we do have a built in profanity filter, so if you get a message that your post didn't meet our guidelines, then check it for any naughty words!
6. Duplicate Accounts
Registered users can have one forum account. Please don't try creating multiple accounts or personas. You may want to talk to yourself, but the rest of us find it a little odd
7. Moderators and Administrators and Complaints
Moderators and Administrators are here to police the forums and try to keep them spam and abuse free. These forums are free, and although anti-spam measures are in place and will no doubt get more sophisticated, we will always be the target of spammers.
Feel free to assist moderators by reporting any questionable content by selecting the grey "Report Post" at the top of any post.
Moderators and Administrators word is final. They reserve the right to suspend or ban any member for any deemed inappropriate behaviour. No explanation has to be given.
We are human and may occasionally get it wrong, so if you feel you have been unfairly banned by a moderator or have any other complaint against a moderator then feel free to contact us and state your case.
No promises are made that a decision will be overturned, but it will be investigated.
Hopefully common-sense, some gentle moderation and a bit of self-policing will help make this Forum a valuable resource, and I hope you become a regular visitor and contributor.