How many hours a week do you work?

By Steve Richardson : Administrator
Published 20th May 2014 | Last comment 21st September 2014

This will vary from 50 hrs to 60hrs


Hi all,

 I own a salon and I work by appointment. I have not set my routine on working hours rather I do work on appointment. In the season time (festival or Christmas), I work even 16-17 hours a day. I prefer not to take help any assistance as I cannot compromise on quality service. I believe the technique I use to give service to my clients will decline If depend on any assistance. I enjoy my job and never feel bore or tired. I work more on holidays. However, sometimes it gets very critical to handle all things together. I am thinking over again to distribute my job responsibility to my assistant.


I own a salon and I work by appointment. I have not set my routine on working hours rather I do work on appointment. In the season time (festival or Christmas), I work even 16-17 hours a day.”

So Kirill, are you on holiday at the moment? Maybe well earned after 17 hours days!

The reason I ask is your salon is in London, yet your IP address shows your location as India? Can you explain?

Forum Admin

plan on working no more than 10 hours a day but not working at all on a sunday. Reading comments here want to start out with the right habit and make sure Sunday stays as recharge day. Ask me again in 6 months lol

Paul S

plan on working no more than 10 hours a day but not working at all on a sunday

Remember to factor in little things like admin, bookkeeping, marketing, waffling on forums etc. It's surprising how the hours soon start to clock up.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

forum avatarTerry Hopper
1st September 2014 8:56 AM

I have worked 50 hours in a week. I think it is perfect for earning hours.

Terry Hopper

I returned to my Shopping Centre Unit on the 1st of September.

I am working by myself, every day, no break whatsoever other than to visit the little boys room...

My first day off will be October 18 when 'er indoors will cover while i get a that will be 47 days straight.

I will have 1 day off during Half Term week, and then i will be off on Christmas Day.

So 3 days off between 1 September and 25 December, not counting the website.

Do customers care? No.

Do they take pity? No.

Do they buy? No.

Do they say "ooh, that's great, i love it...will you be here at Christmas? Hell Yes they do!



I am working by myself, every day, no break whatsoever other than to visit the little boys room...

My first day off will be October 18 when 'er indoors will cover while i get a that will be 47 days straight.”


Nope customers don't care, likewise they won't care if you go cuckoo, have a nervous breakdown or collapse from exhaustion! So look after yourself and take time off. Make yourself take a break, get some fresh air.

I take a walk at lunchtime just to blow out cobwebs and use it as thinking time.

Your business won't fold because you give your self an hours break during the day, assuming there is someone who can hold the fort for you, another trader maybe? (thats what they do on Eastenders, which is the extent of my stall trading knowledge  ).

But seriously look after yourself because no one else will...

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Some interesting thoughts here, thanks. I was reminded last week of the work of Napoleon Hill ('The Laws of Success' and 'Think and Grow Rich'), and his emphasis on working smarter not harder.

Perhaps it's a bit of a cliche, but it's really important. Michael E Gerber in 'The E-Myth' writes about working on your business as opposed to working in it. I personally have to remind myself of this in my daily work!



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