Bing admits search defeat against Google

By : Administrator
Published 10th November 2014 |
Read latest comment - 17th November 2014

A fascinating story which broke on Search Engine Land last week. 

"Microsoft’s Director of Search admitted this week that Bing isn’t likely to put a significant dent in Google’s search market share."

"...For us, it’s less about, though that’s still important. It’s really about how we can instead weave the tech into things you’re already doing."

As SEL said, it really does sound like someone waving a white flag! Instead it seems Microsoft/Bing are going concentrating on apps, mobile and specialised searches, leaving general general keyword search to Google.

Not really what I wanted to hear, would be nice to see Google have a genuine competitor, not sure now who that will be ?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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You are right! Google should have a decent competition to push them all the time!

Fixed Fee Legal Services | Bespoke Document Drafting | Document Templates

I cant believe I missed this :'( should go out back and hang myself now. 

Seriously though, you're going to need a big hitter to even try take google down a notch or two. 


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