Small Business Saturday - 6 Dec 2014

By Steve Richardson : Administrator
Published 27th November 2014 | Last comment 8th December 2014

If this place was maxed out there are 19 spots available for stalls.

It isn't maxed out in December and it runs with an average of about 9 stalls at any one time.

Of the 17 that are in here now i know 7 that 100% will be pulling out in the 2nd week of January, like they do every year as Jan-March there is close to no-one in here shopping.

So, instead of keeping the rents the same, or actually lowering them to have a full vibrant Centre they are putting the rent up

I also got told by a new trader who came in a couple of weeks ago that he has got the Company to pay for him to have a made-to-measure stall for a product he is thinking of doing...they are paying for his stall to be refitted and my rent (and as it stands no-one else has received an e-mail) is going up...

I've been in here for 5 years.

The get-together thing is great in principle but to be honest everyone looks after themselves, they don't like the rent they move out.

I have had no response to my reply e-mail as of yet


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