Getting to Work... By Train, Bus, Plane, Car, and bike. But what's best?

By : Business Owner
Published 5th December 2014 |
Read latest comment - 9th December 2014

The commute... it seems to symbolise my life. It doesn't matter where I've been, or what I've done, I've always had to commute. 

I now commute by car around an hour, twice daily, sometimes 2 if traffic is bad, and I find it a most stressful experience.

Previously, I commuted by train which also was a mixed bag of adventures. 

But what drives my decision making on transport is more or less a price & time combination.

The cheapest form of transport, would be Bike. But there's no way I can cycle that distance, so it's out!

Second cheapest would be bus, but it would mean changing about 70 times, and would take half a week to get to work, so, that's out too.

The next contenders would be Train / Car, and this is where my head fries.

Each week, I spend around £60 is diesel, and I've long stopped paying for parking. My office is about 100m from a train station, my home, equally, 300m from a train station - so why don't I take the train? Simply, it comes to price alone.

This morning (Fri 5 Dec 14) I heard on the radio about the train fair increase being the lowest for sometime, matching inflation... 

That's awesome... but, it would still cost me £93 a week to get to work by train.

I don't have a particularly economical car. It's an average car, there are more economical vehicles out there, but clearly, for a saving of £33 a week, £1716 a year, the car is a no brainer.

How logical it would be for the rail operators, to calculate the differing costs of travel, and ensure trains are the most cost effective option on all routes. It would increase passengers, which I think would increase revenue in fairs, and incidental purchases from on train resources as well as station side resources, and would lower the traffic on the roads. Surely, this is a good thing! 

But, in my case, they have priced themselves out of the market.

The Solution? Buy an annual ticket for only £3800. Or perhaps go monthly on the ticket. Both still work out more expensive that the fuel used in the car & maintenance etc. And even if it did work out cheaper, who wants to blow a few grand on a ticket?

Well, that's what we do for one member of staff so he can get to work (£1560 p/a on rail travel)

Next contender is flying... now if only they could make that cheaper...! 

The First Choice for First Aid
From Cardiff to Calcutta...

I suppose I look at this the wrong way and will moaned at by the eco warriors, but it's definitely the car

The office is 30 minutes away, far enough to wind up and wind down from work mode, but close enough not to have to stress about commuting. It's great thinking time and the morning drive in gives me a chance to plan the day ahead and start the first "to do" list.

Even if there was train station outside my house and the office and it was free, I'd probably still want to use my car, it's private, I'm at one with my thoughts and I'm in control.

No doubt in 50 years time this will be viewed in a University archive, and I'll be used as a classic stereotype of selfish man who polluted the world, in the bad old days of internal combustion and offices. While modern man works from home in a hologram office tut tutting at the bad old days... 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Im exactly 7.2 miles away from the office, with no direct access to a train.

The office doesnt have a heli-pad, so its the car for me.(not that i have a helicopter, but one can dream)

Theoretically i could cycle that distance (i did much further in my youth) but then i'd arrive all hot & sweaty, and not the calm pleasant 20 degrees my air con is set to in the car!


Well in London the way things are heading where they are trying to get zero emissions in Central London by 2020 us tradesmen will be back to using horse and cart...... Will be a proper cowboy then lol


A coffee and a newspaper on the train is hard to beat... would be the answer were trains not delayed regularly, crowded and expensive! 

Simply Business

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