Can't you tell the sun is out!!

By : Forum Moderator
Published 8th February 2015 |
Read latest comment - 9th February 2015

hehe, happens every time guaranteed....the first warm sunny day after a miserable cold/wet spell and the orders come flooding in (across all my businesses not just web design). Does anyone else suffer from this phenomenon?


That's interesting!  Is it a mood changer do you think?  I know I feel a lot more positive and motivated when it's sunny!  I can't say I notice it business wise but I'm quite a small set up at the moment.  

Seemed to have the opposite, January saw a spike of Tradespeople, but I was wondering if it was the bad weather, as they weren't up a ladder or digging a road up? Instead on the PC's and doing some marketing?

That said, we do quiet down a bit in the Summer holidays.

Good news though, lucky you 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Doesn't seem to make a difference to me as I'm in the gift side of things Jan and Feb are normally quiet times anyway

Andy-C | Pewter World

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