
By Barney : Forum Member
Published 9th June 2015 | Last comment 22nd June 2015

Well not really installed as you can't do that yet. I have reserved my copy already though in readiness   .... Don't care what anyone says about windows even going back to windows 93 would be better than staying windows 8.. I had to buy stardock to bring it back to windows 7 so you do loose a lot of functionality by doing that ... So am looking forward to it 

Barney why don't you download google chrome or firefox they are leagues ahead of ie ,you can also add add-ons that really help your internet browsing ,like blocking annoying adds.

The only thing I use IE for is to test my website to make sure it still works on different browsers about once a month

Andy-C | Pewter World

On this topic, has anyone got Windows 10 installed and ready to roll out in July?”

I have signed up for the 'reservation' for it. We shall see what it is like!

Two things:

1) instead of trying to access FB the way you appear to be trying, type "www.facebook.com" into the browser bar instead?  Or have you already done that?

2) Failing that, open another browser (Firefox?), and try that.

FYI I've got Windows 7, and no problem accessing FB, but then I actually type "facebook" into the browser bar.


It's not available to the public yet ,will only be out later this year I believe..Possibly may find a pre release but wouldn't trust that at all as it will be full of bugs..

I saw a few stats appear on my website and see there have been a few visits from windows 10 though

Andy-C | Pewter World

We're part of the insider's programme of Windows 10 and has been testing it through various builds. In a nutshell, it is just Windows 8 with most of the annoying issues fixed.

Here are the hallmarks that I think would make a difference:

  • Cortana (something like Siri on iphones or OK Google for Androids) it's nowhere near as intelligent, and it would require enormous effort from Microsoft to actually bring it to that standard.
  • The search box is located in the taskbar, just near the windows icon. This is arguably the biggest and most useful change. It searches for apps and files very efficiently (end to the lagging Win 8.1 search box!!!) and even gives you some basic data about weather and news.
  • The new menu start is a compromise between Win 8 tiles with apps and metro-style boards and the old good win menu. It does not maximise to full screen - the metro apps share the space of a normal menu.
  • IE is dead. Microsoft decided to put an end to this PR disaster. They gave the new win a "Project Spartan" (now "Microsoft Edge") browser, which is light and has some drawing functions for those using tablets and touchscreens. It has a few glitches, especially when it comes to complex sites, but does what is says on the tin, basically.
  • The frequent files and places in the favourites bar on the left-hand side can be annoying at the first sight, but it's great once you got used to it. It will show you the frequent folders that you visit (like Work, Pictures, etc.) and automatically make shortcuts for you to access it sooner.
  • It will also delete the shortcuts once you stop visiting this place, e.g. when you finish working on a project in that catalogue.

Now for the technical stuff:

  • Win 10 is the first windows system where digital driver signature is required. This means that some of your old equipment may no longer work. If you're a tech designer, you'll need to get your drivers signed from now on.
  • The idea of Win 10 is to be accessible on all platforms. It's good news for the developers, as you can now develop your app for Windows and make it work on all Win-enabled devices, right from the Windows Store
  • Some of the tablet-like features will be enabled on desktops. However, they're mostly useless, and just look nice
  • Finally, the whole system structure is basically the same as in Win 8.1, it's simply a better working version of it's dad. It doesn't eat up RAM in ridiculous quantities and work fine even without frequent clean-ups.

Now for the feel of the new system, here's the screenshot with the Start Menu

And here with their "Cortana" search box available straight from the taskbar

Fixed Fee Legal Services | Bespoke Document Drafting | Document Templates

Are you using IE?


looks good , I always wanted a bit of both so may suite me OK now

Andy-C | Pewter World

That sounds a lot better (and looks it). I hate the full screen tiled menu thing. Meh. Roll on Windows 10 then! Thanks for sharing thelegalstop.

Are you using IE?”
Not at all, but I thought it was worth mentioning! 

However, I have to say that the new MS Edge (or Project Spartan) works slightly faster than Chrome! It eats less RAM and Microsoft promised not to monitor your searches (they also disabled many fancy apps and modules that did not contribute to the web browsing experience)
However, I have very strange feeling that they actually may have purposely slowed down Chrome/Firefox on the Win 10 to give their Edge the... edge
It may be just my conspiracy theory, but equally, I can't quite believe that Bing is the only available search engine in their new product. The choice of search engines was disabled, because apparently it's still under construction

Making other search engines available shouldn't be a huge problem for top-notch programming developers... but that's just my opinion! 

Fixed Fee Legal Services | Bespoke Document Drafting | Document Templates

I can see it in the search, but clicking on it, does nothing. Apart from the on and off switch I'm not that savvy with computers, so keep it simple thanks

I still have to go into firefox to get onto here by the way... Maybe I might just get a new computers and be done with all this messing around.


Back to Barneys original problem, I'm baffled! It sounds like the Clive school of computer problems which make no logical sense, and only seem to happen to him, so I put it down bad computer karma 

Treat yourself and get a new PC, just make sure it's not Windows 8.1 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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