The new Dragons...

By : Administrator
Published 17th July 2015 |
Read latest comment - 16th October 2015

I know it's gets staler each series, but I do miss Theo and his "why should I give you my kids inheritance" wise cracks, and dare I say it, but the Den doesn't seem the same without grumpy Duncan  

I liked Piers Linney and Kelly Hoppen, although Piers seemed to stop investing towards the end.

So does anyone still watch it? Come on it's good entertainment value to watch muppets who have no idea how much money they turned over last year, or watch in disbelief at some of the crackpot ideas.

If you did see last Sundays, what do you think of the 3 new dragons? I recognised Sarah Willingham but had no idea why. The missus did a quick google and it seems she was a restaurant inspector on Raymond Blancs Restaurant series.

Wasn't inspired by Touker Suleyman or Nick Jenkins. No doubt they are business genius's but didn't warm to them, and found Suleyman annoying. Maybe I'm subconsciously trying to compare Touker to Theo, but it was show 1 so no doubt they are finding their feet and on screen personality. 

I think I'd be more interested to see a new series focusing on previous investments, what happened, and see what/if any difference was made x years later. Be good to hear of more success stories other than Levi Roots. Be great to go the beginning, and see the difference cash and contacts made, moving forward 10 years, and how many investments came to nothing or didn't give a return. What happens then?

You hear about are the deals that go sour 6 months later after due diligence, but wonder how many regret giving away so much equity, and are now not as far along as they hoped? Then there must be plenty of success stories after 13 series, how many are living the high-life running multimillion pound businesses, or sold them on and made the various dragons a packet? Whose the winning investor, assuming it has to be Peter with his Levi protégé. 

Come on BBC, theres a whole series worth of telly there ready and waiting

Image courtesy of the BBC

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

I'm bore with it now, only bits I use to enjoy were when people lost their sales pitch or when asked 'Why have you given your business a valuation of £1million?' and they come up with no valid response....Would like to see a spin off series about what other than the initial investment the dragons actually do.......


Have they shown the whacked out dudes looking for cash for a illegal radio station ,saw a clip of it and it looked hilarious

Andy-C | Pewter World

I haven't watched it the last couple of series. I liked it in the beginning but like anything, it gets dull after the 121st pitch as they are much of a muchness really. I would probably still watch it if I was bored and stumbled upon it but that is very rare. I tend to watch good drama series like GoT or sport like golf or the Tour de France.



I like it - but was a bit annoyed with the way they edited the hypnosis bit in the first episode. 

It's a bit of fun really, must admit I liked Duncan and Theo as well as Richard Farleigh from a while ago, but it's still early days so will have to give the newbies a chance!

This is always interesting for info on how succesful pitches may or may not be progressing.  However, I also found this interesting, Half of Dragons Den investments fall through

Maybe Dragons Den has finally run it's course. Ok, so they have introduced new dragons, but it is starting to get a little boring. Would be interested to see more follow up shows??


id think much of it is played by actors 

Jonny Windows

id think much of it is played by actors ”

Watched episodes 1 and 2 of the latest Apprentice last night. Judging by the number of muppets, I'd say most of them were actors or struggling drama students

Mind you, I did like to see Claude as the new right hand man, who spends most of the time trying to keep a straight face and looks like he is about to burst into hysterical fits of laughter as soon as the cameras stop 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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