cvsr - Profile

Forum titleBusiness Start Up
JoinedJul 2012
Latest activity 14th Jul 2012 8:15am  

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How to get clients for my service? 14th July 2012 8:05 AM
Well if you offer all those services, you best bet would be to create packages and promote it on IM forums like, and warrior forum, two of the best forums related to IM on the internet.
Blogs 14th July 2012 7:53 AM
Well, if you really have compleling content that i would suggest to keep the comment box open, just ensure good anti spam on it,to ensure bots stay away,finally you can still control by manually approving each comment
pinterest seems to be awesome tool ,if you have images and many images that describes your business. etc i am still new to it, but my wife has got hold of it
Facebook Fan Page tip. 14th July 2012 7:49 AM
Thanks for the Post on engaging facebook visitors.It all depends on the innovation and creativity in facebook, to keep users engaged
Twitter not for me? 14th July 2012 7:46 AM
i had the same problem, When i get on to twitter i feel blank, What to talk ,what to post,
My wife is excellent with twitter, she has ove 11,000 Tweets now with 600 followers and 100 following, Its great, but i think a lot depends on individual identities , with respect to the presence on twitter
Lets keep twitter the way it is,its awesome tool and we dont want to get slapped by advertising on it
Social Network Traffic Generation 14th July 2012 7:03 AM
i prefer Twitter over Facebook, these days it seems a convention to follow the herd,and just create a facebook page ,
Unless you have a strong facebook strategy no point in creating a page,

Twitter is the way to go
Hey there, i have a blog, @ where i get guest posts, and would love to have one on yours too