
By Barney : Forum Member
Published 29th February 2012 | Last comment 22nd September 2012
Good job on keeping spam to a minimum. Definitely don't want anyone coming in and getting 15 links writing spam. thumbsdown


Agreed - blog comments are great for engagement (which is one of the key reasons for having a blog) but you need to have a thorough moderation process in place.

Good luck with your blog!

I generally leave mine open, but its set to moderation, with Akismet on guard. Had a few incidents with link droppers that darn near caused a global meltdown of my face. Lol. Blog comments are good, if you can moderate them. Its a tad sneaky, but I've heard that some bloggers use spam posts, edit them, remove links, and then approve it.

one of the key points I got today from the AMA SEO webinar is to just make sure that the links are all nofollow - so that it does not create a negative right away and then clean up for sure when you have the time.


Comments moderation should be need to avoid spammer. Search engine can't support comment without moderation by owner.


Well, if you really have compleling content that i would suggest to keep the comment box open, just ensure good anti spam on it,to ensure bots stay away,finally you can still control by manually approving each comment


Links in blog comments should be accepted but at the same it is true; we should not let the spammers destroy our valuable blogs.


I think, one of the major points/benefits of blogs was about discussion. If you don't allow people to comment, then in my opinion, it loses one of it's main features/benefits.


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