harvey - Profile


Forum titleGrowing Business
JoinedApr 2011
Latest activity 31st Aug 2012 4:08pm  

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This thread is 2 years old!
Will the US go bust? 29th July 2011 2:37 PM
I would bet big money that the whole thing will be sorted out.
Will let you know in 6 months!
Google rankings 27th June 2011 10:52 PM
Read this thread if you have not already!
Loads of info and further links there.
Very excited to report that we have gone from 0 to 2 for our home page.
I went to my first breakfast last week. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it and I have since been in touch with several people.
I was less impressed by the hard sell I got as I was leaving. I had to sign up to the meeting the following day (another 10 quid) in the near by town or I would loose out on the 'one off' deal on the registration fee. An opportunity I could not miss I was told.
Ban facebook in office? 3rd June 2011 8:57 AM
I couldn't agree more Phxweb. Talking to staff, listening to them and including them in major decisions is essential. They will only respect the rules and abide by them if they agree with them and understand them. A well chaired two way staff meeting to discuss a problem and agree a solution is good way to deal with this sort of problem.
Everyone Should Hire 'Social Media Experts' | SEOmoz

Interesting article!

I am working hard to understand and use social media and I feel it has huge potential to spread the word. Not sure about paying someone to do it for me though!
Backlink checker 27th May 2011 9:43 AM
Does work well in firefox though
Backlink checker 26th May 2011 6:55 PM
This one is free, seems to work pretty well.
Link Diagnosis - examine your link competition