Ban facebook in office?

By loubeh
Published 26th May 2011 | Last comment 6th July 2011
forum avatarPhxWeb
2nd June 2011 9:51 PM
Some great suggestions have already been made in this thread, so I am not sure if I can contribute too much more.

Since there are still plenty of ways for workers to access non-work related websites (cell phones et al), then blocking/banning it not going to do too much to alleviate the problem.

Perhaps it would be time to schedule an all-employee mandatory meeting soon. Go over a bunch of issues (sale figures, update on projects, etc etc), not just this one. Take the opportunity to let your workers know, in the most polite and professional manner possible, that they are paid to do work and not socialize on the internet. And that time spent "messing around on the internet" is time, productivity, and sales taken away from the company and ultimately their paychecks.

I would also initiate the following that would be mentioned in the above meeting - now that everyone has been notified of the situation, anyone caught surfing the internet during work hours (not break time or lunch time), will be given one warning. Caught a second time and they are fired. I know it seems harsh, but work is work.

Best of luck. I hope you resolve this issue satisfactorily soon.

I couldn't agree more Phxweb. Talking to staff, listening to them and including them in major decisions is essential. They will only respect the rules and abide by them if they agree with them and understand them. A well chaired two way staff meeting to discuss a problem and agree a solution is good way to deal with this sort of problem.


forum avataryourareasolutions
5th June 2011 8:54 PM
End of the day if it is not work related, it should be banned, the same as betting websites, adult sites etc.

Is it affecting their performance etc?

A bit trite but it comes down to good management really - good communication and reasonable rules in the workplace etc.

Bill Ryan

forum avatarTanner
8th June 2011 11:13 AM
With the rise in smart phone,tablet and app usage to access the internet or favourite sites I don't feel a ban of Facebook from work PCs will solve this type of issue.

if they want-they will access Facebook! you are right

forum avatarSolicitorsNorwich
8th June 2011 6:03 PM
I couldn't agree more that good communication and respect between staff and managers is the best way forward. Banning or restricting staff priviledges can lead to staff feeling that there is no trust and that leads to them not respecting their managers.

Arranging a meeting where everyone's opinions count will leave both sides feeling much more positive and respected.

forum avatarplastekprint
14th June 2011 3:44 PM
I agree with sjr4x4, you should show respect and trust to your full-time employees that are making a salary. Most of the time you will be able to tell if time management is a weakness of theirs. If it is, then you will need to have a one-on-one with them and address the issue. Maybe using the site blocker software could just be used on an individual basis.

I agree with the above post - use monitoring software but tell your staff ahead of time that you are doing it.

Check it weekly / daily and speak to anyone who abuses the system it very quickly does the trick.

That way proper promotional use is fine but not time wasting.


I think that these things do need to be monitored these days and if any employees are abusing the employers trust they need to be reprimanded. Facebook should just be used out of work hours and at lunchtime.


forum avatarmarcellarhughes
6th July 2011 12:17 PM
still you can use facebook if you are ban or being strict from your office router, you can use proxy ip and settings.

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