Web site technical maintenance and support

By : Entrepreneur
Published 16th October 2009 |
Read latest comment - 8th August 2011

Do any of you guys own a site and if so how do you deal with the
day to day maintenance and tech support.
patching and outages etc etc.
do you take out maintenance contracts or do it via time and materials??

forum avatarKip FX Design
16th October 2009 7:44 PM
Arrrgghhhh, just jumped hosting, was having a real nightmare with our last lot, 33 sites down for over 2 days, we had a suspended account, but had no explanation as to why, just apologies.

Tech support comes from google searches mostly!

learnt the hardway over the years. Started on shared servers with small companies, which normally means poor to bad technical support.

Moved to dedicated servers, but unfortunately even with a brand name, technical support was terrible, which actually led to legal action. Their techies couldn't handle apache loadbalancing, and we had numerous outages which was damaging our reputation.

Moved to EV1 Servers 3 years ago, which was then taken over by the Dedicated Servers | Managed Dedicated Server Hosting and havent had any unscheduled downtime. We have multiple dedicated servers with them, they handle all hardware, O/S patching, backups and Disaster Recovery.

Cant praise them enough, their support guys are on the ball, and any problem tickets are responded to in minutes. Last server was ordered at 17.30 and was ready for content load by 09.30 the following day. That included custom spec hardware, so the machine had to built upto our spec.

I know of certain Blue Chip outfit's that can only dream of those kind of turn around times

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

WKD tar muchly


forum avatarKip FX Design
5th July 2011 10:58 AM
SPAM! 3rd link dropped in 5 minutes (same)

SPAM! 3rd link dropped in 5 minutes (same)

Been a manic couple of days, playing catch up but on the case

Now wheres he gone

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

forum avatarJENKY
8th July 2011 11:43 PM
Do any of you guys own a site and if so how do you deal with the
day to day maintenance and tech support.
patching and outages etc etc.
do you take out maintenance contracts or do it via time and materials??

I used to hire web dev people in managing my shopping sites and he's able to update and check its security especially in the billing section.

I had russian web dev but it seems I am not contented with the output.

Well I used to be with EV1 / the planet until they had that huge fire that knocked out 1,000's of servers including my own. After almost a week of complete downtime - I bit the bullet restored from an old backup and moved on to a provider in Wiresix


forum avatarJ Gwynne PC Repair
5th August 2011 8:41 PM
Technical support/maintenance should be something you or your host/web developer should carry out depending on skill level and confidence

but it all depends on the host and what they offer what they don't offer


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