Google Lottery/Page Rank update today

By : Administrator
Published 27th June 2011 |
Read latest comment - 14th July 2011

So it's that time of year again, the 6 monthly Google PageRank update.

No need to go into the in's and outs of pagerank, we've done that here:

So for those that care, anyone gone up? Anyone gone down?

Last update saw our sites stay where they are, apart from our UK directory which dropped from a 4 to a 3. This time, our UK directory is back to a 4, and our blog has gone from 0 to 3 (amazing what happens if you do an occasional post )

Otherwise everything else is the same. Thought this forum might move to a 4, but still stuck at a 3

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn
Very excited to report that we have gone from 0 to 2 for our home page.


Very excited to report that we have gone from 0 to 2 for our home page.

Huzzah! Obviously doing something right So going for a 4 in 6 months? If you get to a 5, tell me how you did it!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Will let you know in 6 months!


Google has updated the page rank and one bad news for my company website. That is my company website loss it page rank from 3 to 2. Which is not a good sign for my seo efforts . I need to improve that page rank but my keyword position are very good in search engine.


Google has updated the page rank and one bad news for my company website.

Remember it's not the be all and end all. Although PageRank is almost worshipped like a religion, what really counts is targeted traffic, user experience and conversion rates.

If you crack all these, then page rank is just window dressing.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

forum avatarJonesboy
28th June 2011 2:06 PM
My main site has gone from a 3 to a 1!! What should I have been doing!? My other two smaller sites have gone from a 0 to a 1.

My main site has gone from a 3 to a 1!! What should I have been doing!? My other two smaller sites have gone from a 0 to a 1.

Main thing is don't panic! Your site is performing just as good as it did before, just Google in it's wisdom has devalued the PageRank number. No doubt you are suffering a bit of fall out from the Panda update.

This could be a lack of unique inbound links, or a perceived change to the quality of links pointing at you.

But remember PageRank's initials is PR and that exactly what PR is, a Google marketing tool We have hundreds of PR0 pages at the top spot in google generating plenty of traffic and conversions.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Following this thread made me curious enough to go and check out our results.

The home page was 5 many moons ago, then it went down (to 3???). It's now up to 5 again and some of the inner pages and individual blog pages are 3.

It seems to me these changes are almost exclusively driven by inbound anchor text and other links, from MLF amongst others. I'm writing comments on other sites' blogs, writing ezine articles, trying (but failing) to keep up blogging rates etc.

I'm chuffed at any sign of progress but agree with Steve "what really counts is targeted traffic, user experience and conversion rates".. PR doesn't pay bills!


Doesn't seem to me that PR has any bearing on search results (SERP) anymore.

I have pages doing really well for my target phrases. But their PR changes with each update without any reference to the rankings.

So I would remove the PR toolbar and just forget about it.


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