
Have you tried traded options? You can buy "puts" and sell them again if the shares move lower.

I used to trade Vodaphone on a daily basis and did pretty well, but I stopped when I set up my own business as I didn't have a regular income to fall back on.

Wish I had the guts to do it again. LOL - or maybe best that I don't
34000 Police jobs to be axed 14th August 2011 1:35 PM
Well in my area I've never once seen a copper on the beat and I've lived here for 10 years. So I can't see its going to make that much difference.

The occasional one is seen around the town centre but that is about it
Webmaster tools doesn't show all data. I have compared seomajestic results to Webmaster tools and only a selection of the complete data set is shown.

It also seems to vary over time - so whilst there may be 250 articles actually live in Googles index only a selection shows.

With small sites this tends to be 100% with larger ones the % drops.
Majesticseo - it basically has a larger database than google and you can download all information on your competitors for a modest fee.
I prefer free range Google - it tastes so much better
Riots 9th August 2011 7:24 PM
Set the water canons and rubber bullets on them I say.
if they don't get the link juice they'd expected.

Well don't get too hung up on link juice - there is also direct traffic and the syndication factors to take into account.
Well have you not thought that the owner of ezinearticles might have his interests ahead of yours? So the more articles you submit the better the benefit to them.

That said you need to write regular useful articles almost on a daily basis and get the published in a variety of places. Ezinearticles is good but there other reputable ones.

Article Alley is good, as is articlesbase, then Hubpages and squidoo are valuable aswell.
Panda webinar 4th August 2011 7:14 PM
I liked the comments about

"taking a water pistol to a gun fight"!!!
Panda webinar 4th August 2011 7:11 PM
I am glad you liked it, and better still appreciated the significance of it!

I've seen and spoken to a few experts but this guy spells it out very well.

I think there are some other onsite factors at play aswell

Measures of social interaction - likes and now google +1's

Also Google's most recent patent showed page views are now being considered or will be soon

Add to that
measures of document reading level
spelling errors
Known spinning patterns - such as "Lookup Motor Optimisation"

Put these all together and it means that you really need a good quality site to keep users on your site, and coming back. If you want to really succeed in the post panda world.