What are your favourite link metric tools and why?

By : Administrator
Published 5th August 2011 |
Read latest comment - 9th August 2011

I've created this thread as the question came from a member in the middle of another thread, but its a good question and worthy of its own thread.

Yes I also use the SEOMoz metrics since at least they get update every month or so. However, I have to admit that I am quite dissapointed with their new update since in some of my client's websites I saw difference with around 500 000 links less when compared to last month. I think this tool is going to become like the Google PR anytime soon.

Do you happen to know any other ways to track link quality or the quality of the whole domain

So as wursti says, what tools do you use for link metrics other than Google PR and SEOmoz?

I suppose the obvious starting point is good old Webmaster tools, any one else use any other tools or utilities?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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To be honest Steve I have given up with metrics, it would drives me nuts!

The metric I use the most is am I doing more business, then once every 6 to 8 weeks I take a look at my Google analytics.

Given up checking back links, keyword density etc.


forum avatarwursti
8th August 2011 6:27 AM
To be honest Steve I have given up with metrics, it would drives me nuts!

The metric I use the most is am I doing more business, then once every 6 to 8 weeks I take a look at my Google analytics.

Given up checking back links, keyword density etc.

Yes, the conversion rate is the best metric for commercial websites. However, if you are doing SEO for your website, you are probably building some links. How do you decide which website is good to get link from and which not

I don't approach anyone for links, and have no real control who decides to link to me.


forum avatarwursti
9th August 2011 6:20 AM
I don't approach anyone for links, and have no real control who decides to link to me.

Well you can try and see if this helps your website to generate more leads

Well you can try and see if this helps your website to generate more leads

Thanks wursti - I mean it more as a statement rather than a request for a solution.

I am aware that links are important to search engines etc


Majesticseo - it basically has a larger database than google and you can download all information on your competitors for a modest fee.


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