ideas reaction - Profile

ideas reaction
Forum titleGrowing Business
JoinedSep 2013
Latest activity 3rd Oct 2013 5:55pm  

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Internet Cafe 24 hours London 1st October 2013 11:52 AM
It's hard to know what to say really because I don't know hard far you are off making a profit. Just Look at competition and copy what they do well and improve on what they are not so strong at.
Crowdfunding, Any advice? 27th September 2013 8:10 PM

I am thinking of setting up a few other business ventures. One potential pitfall is funding running out in the first few months. I have looked at lots of ways to raise money and a new method which keeps on popping up is crowdfunding. Does anyone know what the success rates are for this, I mean how often is the funding actually raised? Keep in mind I am planning lost of different methods of funding, so I wouldn't just use crowdfunding. But maybe that could raise 10,000 out of the 50,000 I need if you understand me. Any advice at all is welcome.
Favourite Movies? 27th September 2013 6:06 PM
For motivation look no further than 'the flying scotsman'

Inspires you to never give up, and that no-one is a success by chance, but by hard work.
personally I am beginning to think that SEO consultants should just quit their jobs, because its becoming harder and harder to do and the Google robots will only get cleverer. Perhaps its just best to follow their guidelines and just add unique content to your site?
How not to use Google Adsense 27th September 2013 5:56 PM
"...technically you can appeal using the form below but its as likely to be as successful as applying to NASA to be an astronaut and listing your only qualification as being a cleaner at Burger King"

hahaha did they seriously say that? At least they have a sense of humour.
Telemarketing - Good or Bad? 27th September 2013 5:20 PM
Personally I can't see these calls having a future, but then having said that I don't understand how they work even now? I mean who doesn't just slam the phone down? Ok maybe not slam but you no what I mean. I would love to hear about anyone who has made a success with these calls. What were your tactics, what were the percentages etc
I must be a bit behind the times here, someone says eBooks are spammy, then someone says no need for a bookshelf! I love bookshelves.

Aside from that I would start with a website, then do people upload there own? You obviously have a major competitor in Amazon so I would start maybe in a niche and move outwards.
Mobile Catering business marketing 23rd September 2013 11:24 PM
Personally I would suggest going for the joe bloggs of the world as I think you called them. If you target the firms it will be harder to persuade them at the start as it will be a lot of money for them to spend on a new company. Whereas just an individual spending only a bit is more likely to 'take the risk'
If your web based teach yourself SEO and then thats free. If you want to stick with paid advertising I am not so sure. I think google ads can be a bit steep personally, are facebook ads any good?