What do you think of the Government EU leaflet?

By Steve Richardson : Administrator
Published 13th April 2016 | Last comment 13th May 2016
As it happens in 1975 the Government paid for the publication of both the YES and the NO referendum campaign leaflets. Which was fair.....Just a shame more people didn't spend more time reading the NO campaign.... as it seems to be factually correct....

I actually think that would be a fair and balanced approach to take, otherwise at the moment based on spend its biased towards the yes camp.

I'm still in the neutral camp.


Maybe you could do a poll?...........I'll be clicking no just in case your wondering....

Well the blog post has gone live and have included the 1975 Yes and No links.

Welcome any feedback: The EU – Information for the floating voter

We have a poll functionality but it doesn't work on the blog  So just asked our ever patient coding genius to get his tool box out and have a look 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Thanks for sorting out a poll on the blog is there a number cruncher to say how many have voted? I see it gives a percentage result though... and currently the no's have it..


No probs, was a great idea!

Number cruncher is in the admin panel, we don't display it in case only 2 people take part, hence percentages 

But currently 24 votes (including 4 of us inhouse). Be interesting to see how many in a couple of weeks. Will give the blog a good push tomorrow morning and see how much abuse it generates!

When the polls finished, I'll publish the numbers behind the stats.

Maybe we can get on the news 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Just had a quick look to see how the poll was going on the blog Seems to be keeping inline with the ongoing ITV Twitter poll.... so looks pretty accurate.... I think if we do end up coming out it will also force an early general election or the very least the resignation of both the PM and Chancellor of the Exchequer..... Exciting times ahead...


Blimey, it is scarily close!!!!

Maybe need to see if we can get this picked up by the Beeb! Maybe you'll see me on the breakfast couch sounding knowledgeable and interesting

Certainly a disconnect form the message of staying that seems to be coming from the media, versus straw polls like this  

If you haven't voted yet, add your vote here

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Hmmm, the leave vote seems to be running away!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Do any one of ya'll care to share your reasoning behind voting to "Stay in" or "Leave" on the poll?


Do any one of ya'll care to share your reasoning behind voting to "Stay in" or "Leave" on the poll?”

Yep...... It's totally unaccountable, definitely a gravy train for MEP's and no one in the UK has ever voted to be governed by the EU, we are subsidising poorer EU member states at the expense of our own country's needs..... That do ya?


Thanks for sorting out a poll on the blog is there a number cruncher to say how many have voted? I see it gives a percentage result though... and currently the no's have it..”

Blimey Barney, certainly was a top idea. Currently 3,402 votes, 83% voting leave. Genuinely dumbfounded! 

Nearly 300 shares on the blog, and another 80 on Facebook. EU debate really has polarised people.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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