Embracing 'Girl Power'

By : Forum Member
Published 17th January 2017 |
Read latest comment - 1st February 2017

What a fabulous idea! All females love the saying 'girl power'; so why not bring it to life. 

It seems that a lot of businesses are very male dominated and many females feel out of place within the business environment,male attendees outnumber females five to one; therefore a business woman herself named 'Shelly Zaris' has come up with a solution.

Its name is 'The girls lounge' anyone attending any major business conferences this year will come across the 'The girls lounge'. With white sofas and cushions with glitter writing, this is the place the females will want to be. 

The idea of creating this lounge is because many females who work with a high number of males feel like they don't really get much time to be feminine at work moreover this allows them to take time out and embrace their inner female. 

Lounges with similar motives have previously included beauty treatments for business women including face masks and manicures

Shelley Zaris reports that:

"We have to stop fixing the women. We have to fix our mindset and re calibrate our mindset on equality and understand men and women are all equal. Until society and corporations value the individual strengths of each person we won't progress," 

"This is their boys' club - for women to get to know other women.

"There are masculine and feminine styles of leadership and we encourage women to find and lead with their strengths. We need both [styles] or we're all the same," 

I loveeee this idea 

Thanks, Rachael Kennedy
MLS Marketing Team

Aha, so does that mean it's OK to have a men's lounge?

IMHO what a load of feminist cobblers. Time to move forward, the days of the little woman at home managing the house and looking after the kids while hubby went to work are long gone. Most families having working parents and gender is no barrier now for advancement or achievement. 

There is a biological reality that women give birth and are more likely to postpone or give up careers,  maybe from maternal instinct or necessity, this will always skew stats, from number of CEO's to number of MP's. But there are plenty of examples now of high flying mums delegating responsibility to either partners or childcare.

Gender stereotypes still exist, stuffy gentlemens clubs may linger on, but like the Empire of a different age, these attitudes will die off with the older generations that still foster them.

Youngsters leaving school now aren't shackled to the past. The brightest and best will always succeed regardless of background, gender or race. We don't need percentage targets of class, gender or ethnic background. Just the smartest people driving industry, business and the country forward.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

There's a very good reason why designer kitchens exist..... so women can be happy....


Do chefs come with the kitchens?  because I wouldn't be very happy if that wasn't the case 

There's a very good reason why designer kitchens exist..... so women can be happy....


Thanks, Rachael Kennedy
MLS Marketing Team

This is just the sort of female stereo-typing that makes me angry.   Why do we need white cushions with glittery writing??

Having worked on a project about lone female travellers at my previous employer, it was very disappointing to discover that many of the so-called "empowering" individuals/organisations are only there to make money (surprise, surprise!).   Whilst working on this project, one of my male colleagues asked why it was restricted to females.  Okay, we have characteristics that are unique to us, but that doesn't mean that it's only females who get harassed on flights/in hotels, etc.    

Back to the original topic, Steve summed it up very well.  Times are changing and it's not difficult to find out what interests your male colleagues.  I've worked in a lot of predominantly male environments and have got on with the guys because I know something about football/cricket/rugby, etc.   Why should we shut ourselves away in "girls lounges" with naff decor because someone has decided to make money telling us that's what we need......


I am with Julia here, sounds like my worst nightmare! Sparkly cushions and room full of women? What a way to segregate yourself  Sounds like a huge step backwards, do they hand out free tampons too? jeeeez. No wonder I prefer male company! 

I must just be very girly haha, all things sparkly please

Thanks, Rachael Kennedy
MLS Marketing Team

I am with Julia here, sounds like my worst nightmare! Sparkly cushions and room full of women? What a way to segregate yourself  Sounds like a huge step backwards, do they hand out free tampons too? jeeeez. No wonder I prefer male company! ”

Thanks Rebecca, couldn't have put it better myself!!

An ex-boss once commented at my annual appraisal that I had a problem, my relationship with my female colleagues.  Yes, he was right; the pettiness demonstrated by them was exactly why I got on better with the guys......

The organisations making money out of the "sisterhood" aren't just in the USA, I can think of a couple over here that I try to avoid 


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