What a fabulous idea! All females love the saying 'girl power'; so why not bring it to life.
It seems that a lot of businesses are very male dominated and many females feel out of place within the business environment,male attendees outnumber females five to one; therefore a business woman herself named 'Shelly Zaris' has come up with a solution.
Its name is 'The girls lounge' anyone attending any major business conferences this year will come across the 'The girls lounge'. With white sofas and cushions with glitter writing, this is the place the females will want to be.
The idea of creating this lounge is because many females who work with a high number of males feel like they don't really get much time to be feminine at work moreover this allows them to take time out and embrace their inner female.
Lounges with similar motives have previously included beauty treatments for business women including face masks and manicures
"We have to stop fixing the women. We have to fix our mindset and re calibrate our mindset on equality and understand men and women are all equal. Until society and corporations value the individual strengths of each person we won't progress,"
"This is their boys' club - for women to get to know other women.
"There are masculine and feminine styles of leadership and we encourage women to find and lead with their strengths. We need both [styles] or we're all the same,"
I loveeee this idea