Entrepreneurs' Business Academy

By mrb : Forum Member
Published 8th June 2010 | Last comment 25th October 2011
forum avatargac_uk
17th April 2011 2:58 PM
I have attended one of the EBA seminar's recently (Gold ticket @

I have attended one of the EBA seminar's recently (Gold ticket @

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

How nice to hear from VirtuallyMary again after what seems like a long gap!

The best route I ever found to closing the (work) gap between where I was and where I hoped to be was through membership of Action Centred Learning Groups (ACL). These are co-coaching groups where your colleagues help you suss out an issue that concerns you and find solutions for it ... and knowing you have to report back on progress at the next meeting sustains the motivation to do whatever you said you would do!

To some extent MLF acts as a virtual ACL group.


To some extent MLF acts as a virtual ACL group.

Business Forums do provide an element of mentoring, obviously advice is taken at face value, but its free and convenient. I'm not sure how a new business could justify a

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

20k? Maybe the Government needs to up it's


forum avatardealmaker
21st October 2011 4:14 PM
I have attended one of the EBA seminar's recently (Gold ticket @

Thanks dealmaker, what's your background?

Interesting to hear your views, so the question is does anybody have any good stories about this?

forum avatardealmaker
22nd October 2011 10:15 AM
Thanks dealmaker, what's your background?

Interesting to hear your views, so the question is does anybody have any good stories about this?

Hi Mrb,

Well I'm 27 and always worked for myself since leaving school. Been involved in all sorts of things over the years, mainly now its various web based businesses and also a training business.

Tbh I only came across this forum because last night I decided to check up on the eba and to see what they were up to and came across this thread.

All the speakers do is take normal business issues, say like cashflow for example and then dress it up in the talk as "This is my magical formula for succeeding in business". Some people look on in amazement and making notes whereas they don't realise they're just speaking the obvious.

Like I said its probably worth getting the cheapest ticket and going along just for the laugh.

Seems to me that if you have a spare 20 grand you probably are a success to some extent .. I have attended many seminars in my time some good some absolute rubbish and some somewhere in between .. Yes you will get some useful information and ideas but imho the only way forward is action bottom line.

Finally my mindset says... Do they have an affiliate program and if so what is the commission.


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