McDonalds Marketing approach is inspiring...

By : Forum Member
Published 27th July 2017 |
Read latest comment - 8th December 2017

We all love that cheeky McDonalds we have to cure a hangover. Well I do anyway; and sometimes its not just for a hangover I'm pretty sure 99% of the nation does love a McDonalds from time to time. 

We love the food, but how many of us have taken a step back and focused on how successful the franchise is. With restaurants all over the world they are bound to take millions of complaints on a daily basis, however it has come to my attention recently that they do face criticism head on.

Fake news has been headlining social media for some time now; McDonalds being one of many victims on the receiving end expressing that their chicken nuggets are not from 'Chickens feet or beaks'.

Marketing director of the company stated that:

For us to continue to make progress in getting people to trust us, we needed a new language and to challenge [these myths] head on, rather than just telling good stories. We thought it was a good idea to put those myths out there and then answer them.” 

I feel as though this should inspire us to do the same, I know that McDonalds are a extremely big Franchise, but if they can come back from numerous horrific accusations then we can come back from a negative customer review or complaint. It is all about the way you tackle these issues, its about patience and knowing what your customer wants to hear.

At the end of 2016 McDonalds had the highest trust rating anyone had ever seen.

Surely that is motivation to keep going and tackle things with the same approach...       

Thanks, Rachael Kennedy
MLS Marketing Team

I thought I'd reply to this old topic because I met the head of McDonald's in my area the other night and heard him speak and he was not what I expected at all. John Kiely was very inspirational and does a huge amount of work with the homeless and vulnerable in Coventry as well as supporting sport for children.

I have to say I was surprised by how charismatic and benevolent he was, not how I view McDonald's as a company. 

They're also starting deliveries in the city centre....a slippery slope for some. I tend to love McDonald's for their soft play as it entertains the kids, so I'm not fussed about delivery, although with a hangover I can see the appeal!

That's awesome to know Rebecca and Rachael! If you both haven't watched the movie, "The Founder," you both should.


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