Optimising your website for Bing

By sjr4x4 : Administrator
Published 21st July 2010 | Last comment 29th January 2013
forum avatarbiltongonline
23rd October 2010 4:12 PM
I have been getting traffic from all three in very small amounts from bing and yahoo . It also took me ages to get indexed by bing . I guess patience is a virtue in this game

I have been getting traffic from all three in very small amounts from bing and yahoo . It also took me ages to get indexed by bing . I guess patience is a virtue in this game

..and lots of it

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

And if your site is indexed in Google then automatically it will be get indexed in Bink, yahoo and other SE's.

yup, but the point is, there are now subtle differences between google and bing requirements.

Time will tell if this increases, or if bing tries to emulates googles algorithm.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Bing also has a decent share in the market no doubt but assume your page is good on Google's standards, does that mean it does great for Bing too? Or are there any completely different practices one must follow. Acc to your post, even though Google doesn't really consider that stuff anymore it still matters.

Bing has a significant market share, you never know what could boost your business growth.


Bing also has a decent share in the market no doubt but assume your page is good on Google's standards, does that mean it does great for Bing too? Or are there any completely different practices one must follow. Acc to your post, even though Google doesn't really consider that stuff anymore it still matters.

Hi Alice, you've bounced an old thread from 3 years ago, so this may not be upto date.

I'll close this thread, but a good reminder that we need a new optimising for Bing/Yahoo thread!

Any SEO guru's fill your boots!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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