How to Improve Visitors???

By robertmuething
Published 10th August 2010 | Last comment 15th September 2011
Free to install and a great way of montoring how well your marketing campaigns are doing. You will then have an excellent overview in respect of what may need some attention.

Hope this helps


15th December 2010 11:41 PM

I am Working Small Business Ad Agency. How to Improve more visitiors for My Website. Please give me Suggestion


It is knowledge you receive of friends like me. I will give you some free tips how to get more customers on your site. If you like to know more allow me to e mail you some information. I would need your permissinon of using my e mail to send you information in your inbox. There are different ways to get best out of online advertising and secrets for each online business owner.10 tips for a better customer base. Finding you customers for a small commision is for all products possible.

forum avatarlouandel
12th January 2011 7:33 AM
Improve the Page Rank of a site, you can do:

1) Directory Submission
2) Social Bookmarking
3) Classified Posting
4) Blog Post Submission
5) Article Submission
6) Press Release Submission
7) Blog Commenting Services
8) One way Back link Services
9) RSS Feed Directory Submission
10) SEO Friendly Forum Posting
11) Social Media Optimization

Nice full list that cover so many areas. I would like to add to that list with 9n-page optimisation. I feel this is so important to fundamentally getting your site seen. If the text has the appropriate keywords and density, an optimised layout, and the meta tags, graphics (title tags) and page titles are optimised this is going to give your pages a real push


forum avatarlouandel
12th January 2011 7:46 AM
I totally agree with louandel. Until you have optimised your site internally you should not really begin looking ar using externel techniques.

There is no harm in using external site techniques straight away (such as link building and social media ) as you need to be building on these all the time but I beleieve on-page optimisation should be done at the very early stages of a web site design or whenever there is need for a change.

louandel's raised a good point. People get so wrapped up in the visual design of a site, that onpage SEO, and site structure can be overlooked.

Most decent web designers however these days will have a good grounding of SEO techniques and should build them into your design, but doesn't hurt to ask or sit down with then and confirm they are doing some onsite work.

Site structure and agreed page titles will be the key thing, as well as basic stuff like your URL, all the things you won't want to change when your site is live.

Tweaking meta tags, keywords and content can be done at anytime.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

forum avatarMJone
14th February 2011 7:26 PM
Social Bookmarking technique really helps you for generating traffic. Indeed, it is very convenient having bookmarks to your favorite sites that can be accessed online anytime. You will not just have another relevant backlink but also expose your web site to millions of users. As a result traffic flow will increase.

Include a QR code on your promotional material, whether it be flyers or a direct mail piece.

This enable readers to connect to your web page, via a smartphone, etc. We are all clearly far too busy to type in a URL.

Holborn Direct Mail
020 8683 7155

forum avatarRuslan
24th May 2011 6:05 PM
To begin with - SEO+Adwords+Media Ads.
In Future maybe + Social Media

forum avatarhillaryjohnson
2nd August 2011 11:12 PM
Promote your web Site in Social Networking Sites, it is a best way to increase visitors on website. Also you can do link building activities to Promote your website.

forum avatarwursti
4th August 2011 3:25 PM

I am Working Small Business Ad Agency. How to Improve more visitiors for My Website. Please give me Suggestion


Depends on what you are trying to show to your visitors. If you have some cool content, you can try Stumbleupon ads they are pretty affordable and they will bring a lot of people to your website.

Also you can try linkbuilding services, but make sure you avoid all the spammers out there. Search for some local company

Finally I would recommend using Google adwords they are pretty cool for driving traffic to your website. Plus you can set your own budget.

Hope this helps

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