Do not forget the importance of SMM whilst thinking this SEO malarky through Stavros, this is becoming more and more important.
12 months ago dates and posts did not really feature on searches, but now you regularly see dates before the meta info in search results (ie: 20, May 2011), the timeline in relevant info is getting more and more important, and SMM is the fastest way to get it out there.
It is a hard slog to get a decent, captive following, but it pays great dividends.
My dad (the greatest salesman and marketer I know), called me today about my facebook business page, I bullet pointed what I do for clients, but did not explain what these bullets means (FAB), since changing it, I have had 6 new likes, taking me to 81. I have had 1 new like a week roughly, so this is a massive hike.
most adverts on TV do not promote websites anymore, but FB fan pages, there is a reason for this! We are (mostly), always logged in to FB and Twitter!
Take it seriously, it is not going anywhere just yet!
I cannot find the article I read the other day, but,
Facebook set to be worth ‘$100 billion’ next year - Telegraph