“The breakfast networking I went to was slow due to everyone still half asleep at 7am
Good point, I struggled at some of the breakfast meetings I went to. Everyone seemed more interested in getting some breakfast down them than actual networking, plus I don't feel particularly sociable until I've had a couple of coffees..
“I now run an evening (5-7.15) networking group in Doncaster...It's very informal, comfy and cosy, more relaxed than the usual formal styles
Even Indizines running one!
Evening or afternoon groups do seem to make more sense. So is this done as a way to gently softsell your web biz, or is the network group a completely independent business? If independent, is it scalable, or would you want to keep it local?
Just curious, because the attraction of some groups seems to be the ability to go to different meetings in different areas, so you will see fresh people.
“Poeple say the groups are cliquey...but isn't that supposed to be the case? Aren't you suppsoed to try and get to know everyone as well as you can and build up friendships?
I guess it's a fine line between having a regular core group that you get to know well, and developing into a click that makes outsiders feel unwelcome. I know a few online forums that have slid into this model, with newbies getting flamed and made to feel like outsiders, and I've seen it myself at a breakfast meeting as well, so never went back
I like the idea of an informal get together, with none of the stricter rules that bigger groups can bring, and I can see the attraction, especially for smaller businesses that it feels like a support network and you have someone to talk to. I suppose a face to face version of forums like this.
“On the whole, I think formal networking meetings have been over-hyped.
Interesting view, and depending where abouts you live, there does seem to be some overhyping and almost surplus of networking groups. Across the Midlands, I've seen groups actively competing and marketing against each other, and I wonder if the networking groups popularity is buoyed up by the steady stream of new businesses, who have that overwhelming desire to get out there and network and join every local association going? I know I was guilty of that, joining different Chambers of Commerce, local networking groups etc.
But then this wore off as I had to start managing and justifying my time a bit better!
Anyone else got any views?