Anyone else getting spammed?

By garde : Forum Member
Published 15th April 2011 | Last comment 26th June 2011
forum avatarfirstpointfreight
20th May 2011 4:52 PM
I too have had these emails, it is very frustrating especially when you do reply with "remove" and nothing happens. I wouldn't mind receiving emails if the domains were worth registering, but they are just rubbish domains that have minimal (if any) traffic whatsoever.

I also get 10+ emails a day from different email addresses, but with the same content in the email, offering me link building services to my SEO company. This appears to be some sort of Indian company operating from hundreds (probably thousands) of gmail email addresses. Lost count how many times I've told them where to go.

I guess it is just something we have to learn to put up with, so long as people "bite" on to these emails and purchase domains, they will continue to spam the hell out of everyone. Same situation with the 419 scam - where you get emails saying you've just won $800,000,000 - send me $1,000 and I will send you the balance type emails - I mean honestly.....

Oh he is back again!! - if you now Google the domain Coultons Domain Registrars, guess whos post is number 1

Would you like to own a domain name that can drive traffic to your webste?

Our domain name is currently on sale and is ready to drive substantial traffic and new business to you that would have cost you tens of thousands of pounds a year to replace by instead purchasing expensive Google AdWords.

Why pay through the nose for traffic that you can now have at no ongoing cost?

Best regards,

Robert Jones
Coultons Domain Registrars


Shame we cant do this here
And what is the difference between "marketing" & "spam"?


Shame we cant do this here
And what is the difference between "marketing" & "spam"?

Blimey hadn't seen that, jail for spam!

Good point though, spam falls into different categories, there's true unsolicited mail, Viagra, get rich quick etc, but then theres good old genuine opt in marketing that can be referred to as spam, eg we send a monthly newsletter. One mans newsletter can be another mans spam

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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