Huzzah! Real Time Analytics have arrived!

By : Administrator
Published 1st December 2011 |
Read latest comment - 15th June 2012

Still trying to get my head round the new Google Analytics layout, but very impressed with the Real Time Stats.

Here's a screen shot of the forum

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn
Am still yet to cross over to using the new Google Analytics interface. What do you think? Should we?

Accounting Help

Got to be honest, I'm having to flick between old and new as I can't find some of the options

The new functionality is great, just shame they couldn't have added that to the old layout which (to me) was logical and made sense.

They will be forcing everyone over in the New Year, so guess the sooner we all get used to it the better

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Feel the same. Used the new layout a few times but seem to revert back to the old layout, just find it quicker and more useful.

Accounting Help

forum avatarWampit
2nd December 2011 12:39 PM
It's just so different that I think it will just take some time to get used to. Just got to get into it as soon as you can and try to set up the reports you're used to seeing on your dashboard. Currently finding Goal Conversions a bit tricky to work out in the detail I'm used to seeing but will get there...

However, I have been guilty of returning back to the old version.

Google put a lot of effort into their UX and reporting and I was exposed to a bit of it earlier this year. I have a friendly contact in Google that asked me for to do a UX review of the new AdSense screens / functionality - needless to say I gave A LOT of feedback (being a somewhat opinionated sort of bloke). To return the favour she reviewed our new sign-up page (still yet to go live) and made some excellent suggestions that we integrated. Google are a friendly bunch really

I love the real time stats - very cleaver. I guess it fulfils our social desire to have things immediately these days Buzz words of the 21st century 'more' and 'now'....!

I love the real time stats - very cleaver. I guess it fulfils our social desire to have things immediately these days Buzz words of the 21st century 'more' and 'now'....!

How sad are we? Currently got a big monitor running in the office just running live stats for 2 of our sites. Me and Clive are now just sat watching it instead of doing any work...

Definately struggling with the new layout though!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

forum avatarWampit
5th December 2011 9:35 AM
Not sad at all... just imagine when AdSense is real-time one day... one screen for Analytics and one for AdSense...

Not sad at all... just imagine when AdSense is real-time one day... one screen for Analytics and one for AdSense...

stop it... drool.....

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Yeah I've been registered for some time but not really used it much. I had Extreme tracker on my site which is not expensive and gave some great data, trouble is the tracking code on my pages made them look bad for SEO, they appeared as images and you could not apply Alt Text.

Just starting to get into GA now and yes there is a lot to it, there's so many tools I know it will take me time to get to use them with any proficiency. I seem to find something else each time I go in. I am persistinmg with the new version though.


Just starting to get into GA now and yes there is a lot to it, there's so many tools I know it will take me time to get to use them with any proficiency. I seem to find something else each time I go in. I am persistinmg with the new version though.

Years ago we used to pay for a 3rd party analytics, but nothing compares with GA, and it's free!

If you monetize your site using any google advertising such as adsense, then you can link this into your stats, like wise if you run adwords campaigns.

It really has become an essential if not number one tool for anyone doing online marketing.

It can seem overwhelming, with so much information, but setting up a dashboard helps, so you can quickly view the info you regularly look at, number of visitors, conversions, keywords etc. Must admit, new version is slowly growing on me.

Always baffles me why people pay $10k for Urchin, the paid version of GA. Seems a lot just for the luxury of being able to host on your own servers and have a few extra bells and whistles. I think GA will keep me upto my eyes in enough stats for the foreseeable!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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