Paul Myers : SEO bore 10th August 2012 10:03 AM |
“In this post panda world, what are the rules now with article submission?
If you have a good quality article, would you just submit to one article directory? Or is it still a case of submitting to multiple directories? Just wondering about duplicate content.
Or is it a case submitting to a few gives you a better chance of getting your article picked up?
In the bad old days you would maybe rewrite or spin for different directories, but I'm guessing that's all ancient history now?”
If you have a good quality article, would you just submit to one article directory? Or is it still a case of submitting to multiple directories? Just wondering about duplicate content.
Or is it a case submitting to a few gives you a better chance of getting your article picked up?
In the bad old days you would maybe rewrite or spin for different directories, but I'm guessing that's all ancient history now?”
“Article writing still works, it can improve your search engine ranking and also bring your website more traffic from people reading the article. Top article directories like provide stats so you can see how many people have viewed you article and how many have clicked through to your website.
Some of my articles for clients have produced thousands of views and up to 35% click thru rate (CTR).
I always summit my original article to first and then create different versions to submit to other directories. As Gilesfuchs says, just focus on the top 10.
Make sure you have a good headline, quality content and a call to action in your bio box for a good CTR
all the best”
Some of my articles for clients have produced thousands of views and up to 35% click thru rate (CTR).
I always summit my original article to first and then create different versions to submit to other directories. As Gilesfuchs says, just focus on the top 10.
Make sure you have a good headline, quality content and a call to action in your bio box for a good CTR
all the best”
It still works - to a point, with risks.
Article marketing was a great way to build links a while back, but since the invention of spinning and spamming using spinning techniques its something that's been killed - almost.
It can still play a part in the overall mix, and now and then you can get some traction if the articles good - but would you really want to waste a 'good' article in this way when there are much better, stable options for your article?
Plus, with article marketing you run the risk of loosing rankings if all your eggs are in that basket. I remember when the first grisly, polar er I mean panda update came out and it killed lots of well used article directories and stripped links pointing to sites loosing their hard earned ranks.
Even ezine was hit hard to a point where they had to restructure their own site to claw back what they had lost. So will that happen again - probably. Would I rely on article marketing on its own - no.
Paul Myers