Interesting customer service infographic

By Melanie : Growing Business
Published 21st August 2012 | Last comment 3rd December 2012
Generally seems to be utility and comms providers that are the worst

business insider

'Telephone Test' .......excellent idea. I read that you people have waited for 30 mins and was shocked then I went on to read to see the record breaking '4 hours' of hold time and almost fainted. Sounds ridiculous but. 4 hours impossible. Honestly I don't have the patince for more than 2- 3 mins. Too less? yeah maybe. Last time I had a problem I used Twitter and they go back to me in barely a few hours, asked me the problem, fixed the problem, called back to tell me that it was fixed. :O... Imagine that..!! great customer service that was. Decided never to use for the phone for this stuff again.


When my PS3 broke i had to call up the help line, the call lasted half an hour on a expensive number, it was a couple of years ago now but at least it had call waiting music


Last time I had a problem I used Twitter and they go back to me in barely a few hours, asked me the problem, fixed the problem, called back to tell me that it was fixed...

I must admit, thats a good tip in this social media world

I did the same with the previous hosters of this forum, they never responded to their phones, so I simply tweeted everytime there was an outage, telling them of my displeasure in public. Seemed to do the trick and got a quicker response

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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