what is best to advertise business in

By : Business Start Up
Published 19th October 2012 |
Read latest comment - 9th July 2013

what is the best site to advertise a business local in e.g google yahoo bing please help i am so new in promoting my local business adwords are so expensive

I'm afraid that question is too generic as it's different for every business. I'd say something like Facebook would be a good avenue for a tanning business. Have you tried that?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

It is too generic. But a generic reply to that would be Google. and if you are speaking of social networks, facebook is good for B2C and LinkedIn for a B2B


forum avatarDplight21
22nd October 2012 7:17 AM
It is good to advertise your business in Google, because most of person visit Google everyday.


forum avatarClearcandy1
22nd October 2012 9:25 AM
In my openion Google is best for advertising the business. And you also do advertising in Social Media Site in Facebook for more visitors.


In my openion Google is best for advertising the business. And you also do advertising in Social Media Site in Facebook for more visitors.

Google does reach millions of users in a day, so ya that would be the best option.


Well, I think there are lots of ways to advertise products and we just have to be keen in choosing the simple, cheapest way to do this. Social media networks helps to advertise your business with as free advertisement. Joining in a forum and search engines do help also.


forum avatarWHUK_Barb
24th October 2012 5:58 AM
Google Adwords is a tricky tool where you really got to be smart while bidding for your targeted keywords, despite the investment being high, the returns too are pretty fruitful.

Facebook and LinkedIn do offer such programs, but I found Google Adwords offering us a better ROI. Though others might have a different experience, maybe I didn't do it correctly.


In my openion Google is best for advertising the business. And you also do advertising in Social Media Site in Facebook for more visitors.

Of course how could I forget Social media. It is the best platform to promote your work or atleast make people aware of it.


I found bing to be a complete waste of time. Over 12 months we maybe had 20 clicks? Were as google maybe 20 clicks a day


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