How to leave a negative review

By : Forum Member
Published 23rd November 2012 |
Read latest comment - 10th April 2013

Its a real pity i cant go in to too much detail nor give a link on here, but i was looking at some reviews on our site today and this caught my eye ...

General overview - Someone has had their haircut at a salon in London and is clearly unhappy about the cut & the introduction of hi-lites and the way they were treated.

It seems that she got no-where by complaining so has set up a campaign on Youtube, videoing herself and showing people how badly her hair was cut.

In todays social media frenzy seems now that you can actually take your complaint to the next level

What do you think?

Personally i love it - im just jealous i didnt think about it ....

Heads to youtube to search her username....

I guess it can be a good thing. Especially if they got nowhere talking to the salon. I bet she's got their attention now though


I just mentioned elsewhere just now that a certain company responded to me in no time when i put out a complaint on social media. The thing is that anything here just spreads like wildfire (esp. something negative). So even if the company doesn't personally reimburse/ help you, you know u have got back at them in some way. It creates bad publicity which is one of the major downfalls for any brand and could take years to regain.


I'm all for bad reviews as no business is perfect, even Mr golden boy of British business Richard Branson is going to have quite a few disgruntled customers> The problem is though it puts review websites in tricky position, good reviews and no one batters and eyelid, one bad review and along come the lawyers threatening legal action.... All seems a bit one sided..


Not going to make a difference, you'll still have a bad haircut and less money in your pocket.


It is like two sides of medal, I think.
When the complain is objective, social media can play an important role and a person who is not satisfied how he/she was served acts in the right way in that case.

I would also use all the ways to make a bad reputation to a company/firm if they didn`t react to my complain at all.

From another side, there are different kinds of people and some of them just are looking what they complain for all the time just to have discounts or service for free. So, sometimes, such people do not behave well spreading such unfair gossips within media.


It's one way to get a response from your complaint, YouTube is seen worldwide and no business wants a public complain or bad reputation. Although the complaint should have been listened to firstly.- But like was mentioned above, no business is perfect.

Slough Business

if she put the company name in the title, description and tags and it shows up in google and youtube search for the company name then they are going to wish they had handled it better!


if she put the company name in the title, description and tags and it shows up in google and youtube search for the company name then they are going to wish they had handled it better!

We have used that exact technique to good effect both for the Forum & MLS.

Its great when reverse SEO works in your favour


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