Beware of links in widgets...

By : Administrator
Published 13th August 2013 |
Read latest comment - 13th August 2013

As it seems every other website these days uses some form of CMS such as wordpress, drupal etc. What makes these platforms popular is access to templates, pretty straightforward to implement, and plenty of widgets to customise your blog/site.

But Matt Cutts has warned about links in widgets which pass pagerank straight back to the widget creators site. So if you use lots of widgets, you are potentially giving away plenty of pagerank, especially if these are on your home page.

So Mr Matt is telling widget makers to nofollow their links. Personally if I was a widget maker, then I would have thought part of the reason was to gain backlinks, making your own site more popular, allowing you to monetise and create new widgets

Obviously Google doesn't believe in the ecommerce ecosystem...

Google's Matt Cutts: I Recommend NoFollowing Links On Widgets

Be interested to hear what any web designers or widget makers think?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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One of the SEO articles I read ages ago mentioned one of the strategy to gain backlinks is to develop a widget or theme and give it free to people to use but include the credit link in the footer. I never made any widgets or themes public or didn't give it much thought. But while developing sites, I personally don't use any plugin, widget or theme that require a link back. In such cases I need one, I always roll up my own.


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