I'm not sure that by naming and shaming businesses actually helps the situation. Just done a search on one of the businesses, they only set up 2 years ago and owe a worker less than £300. Ok they should not have done so, but words of advice from the powers that be would probably been enough. Instead they have been financially penalised, they've also got more web presence now, than what they could ever of dreamed about having.
Strangely HMRC fails to name and shame the largest businesses involved because it feels it needs to protect taxpayers confidentiality. Either name and shame everyone or name no one and have a level playing field. I've never paid the minimum wage to anyone simply because everyone regardless of what they do earns well in excess of it. In London we also have the 'London living wage' which is set out by the Greater London Authority i.e. Boris Johnson, it is currently set at £8.80 per hour or £70.40 a day based on a 40hr week, although not law, it is the recommended wage for low paid workers in London. Now that's fine if your daily turn over covers that amount, if it doesn't then there is one more person on benefits and for many if they put their rates up to cover the additional costs, then their find they will have no business.....