the unwanted bench

By : Forum Member
Published 27th May 2015 |
Read latest comment - 4th June 2015

today when out working i got to thinking,as you do, that some public benches are never used . this particular bench is in Wadgate Road,Felixstowe. i have never seen anyone sitting on it ,ever.

  i then got to thinking why to god am i thinking about this. i told my missus, her reply,  "shut up you daft t/t "

 later i thought WHY WHY WHY, then it came to me. We all [as businesspeople] have a fear of failure, the unwanted bench phenomenon. Sometimes you can look the part and still not get the work/future/van you seek-for NO GOOD REASON .

  Anyhow just thought id post my unwanted bench analogy/theory 

Jonny Windows

See you've got me thinking now  Who owns the benches? 

Assume it's the Council. I wonder if you could lease them in your town, or do a deal where you will tidy them up as some are obviously scruffy. Then paint them bright colours in your logo, with your web address and phone number!

Turn them into a marketing tool, rather than a little plaque that says Doris loved to sit here and watch the pigeons...

Am I genius that needs to trademark this, or showing signs of insanity? 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Is that the bench that nobody sits on? Seems like its facing the wrong way. Aren't benches supposed to face towards the street?


Is that the bench that nobody sits on? Seems like its facing the wrong way. Aren't benches supposed to face towards the street?”

My thoughts exactly!

Maybe thats why nobody sits on it 


Is that the bench that nobody sits on? Seems like its facing the wrong way. Aren't benches supposed to face towards the street?”

And it's right by the bin, so it'll stink

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

This reminds me of a couple of tweets from a couple of weeks ago...

(Original link)

...and what the view could have been,

(Original link)


Clearly it's a common issue! 

I bet more people sit on that bench, than use the telephone box....


Blimey telephone boxes, remember them? Hardly see any these days round our area. Who would have imagined that 30 years ago!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Oh I miss phone boxes. .. We used to have such fun making crank calls when I was a teen! We'd often call one box from the other across the street and freak people out by saying we could see them by describing what they were wearing!  

lol naughty naughty

Andy-C | Pewter World

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