If I have to wager a guess, I'd say I have around 600 records if not more. I generally run around pawn shops and scoop em up before they're sold for decoupage. Kinda sux, when you have memories connected to albums and singles, and someone else only wants to make a clock out of em.
PostsNew technology snubbed for retro - vinyl is back! 27th November 2014 2:58 PM Dreamraven is back in the house 17th November 2014 4:28 PM LOL. I'll get you for that xD seriously though, with everyone already hounding on the exercise angle, i figure one thing at a time? And oh yes, I'm definitely back and ready to take on them spammers. Just need my sniper rifle back from you, please Steve. yeah, it's been a very turbulent year so far, but looking to blaze new trails etc Bing admits search defeat against Google 17th November 2014 1:41 PM I cant believe I missed this :'( should go out back and hang myself now. Seriously though, you're going to need a big hitter to even try take google down a notch or two. Infographics - are they starting to get over complicated? 17th November 2014 1:37 PM I agree, from a marketing perspective they can still really be an awesome tool. One thing I have noticed is that some designers go completely batty, trying to create the most informative and best looking info graphic, that they completely lose the plot and it comes out looking like something the dog ate, and thats never really any good. Artists, well some, love being able to show off their artistic prowess, but with most, its your new designers wanting to make their mark on the net, or someone with very little design knowledge at all behind the screen trying hard to wow people and failing badly at it. There are loads of resources out there that can help you, give you guidelines on what to do, both from a design point of view and a marketing point of view. The difference is whether or not you use the advice given to you. Work Experience.... 17th November 2014 11:57 AM Why no football or fishing talk though? That kinda puzzles me. Its ta still an awesome story though, and glad to see that some teens still know how to put their best foot forward. The disabled children locked up in cages 17th November 2014 11:44 AM I was reading this yesterday, and re-read it a few times. I genuinely dont know why or how people are capable of this. I mean, time outs at my house are even negotiable Enjoy the recovery? Could be a recession on the horizon says IMF 17th November 2014 11:40 AM Sam goes away, recession lessens, sam comes back? All heck breaks loose..... Just sayin' xD Yum Yum - Sausage anyone? 18th June 2014 11:10 AM This is where I am really glad I'm trained to make me own food. Happy Birthday Steve !! 20th May 2014 12:09 PM Happy Birthday, Steve. I hope you had a great day. Have Tattoos become trendy for girls? 15th May 2014 1:30 PM Hmmmm, how to answer this without making myself sound like a biker...chick... thing... I have tattoos, I have more than one tattoo, (about 4 actually), and each one actually means something to me. Either my favorite flower, or My Chinese Zodiac etc. Only they aren't in your face, except when I wear a shirt that's kinda strappy at the shoulders? (not sure how to explain the spider...) I would probably have more if I had the time to actually get into town to were the artist is I usually go to. I'd say though, IMHO that there is such a thing as going too far? And that if you're going to plan to get one, do it when you're sober and make sure it has meaning for you. You're going to carry it with you for the rest of your life (or until surgery), so make it worth it. |