Nathaniel - Profile

Forum titleGrowing Business
JoinedMay 2012
Latest activity 5th Jun 2012 6:02am  

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Social Network Traffic Generation 25th May 2012 11:33 AM
I find the whole facebook strategy fascinating as there are so many different opinions.

Me personally, I don't think the actual FB fan page actually achieves too much, likewise its Google counterpart. Most of the traffic we get comes from posts or links on peoples walls.

It's just yet another thing that will never get updated, like neglected blogs...

But having the like button on your site is powerful. We average about 600- 700 likes per month on our UK directory, so that maybe 700 exit points, but also means 700 people are advertising us on their walls.

Looking at our analytics, in the last 30 days, we had 1,697 visitors from Facebook, of which GA reports 82.26% as new visits.

So we get a lot more traffic from FB than we send. It may not be a huge amount of traffic compared to a search engine, but for the sake of having a line of code on your pages, it's worth it

That's some more statistics for me to learn of your FB business tactics, yeah! I'm coming in for you Steve, watch it. lol
Blogs?????? 25th May 2012 11:26 AM
Trying to get onto this blog thingy, i keep hearing about it and dont know a thing about it, but i keep reading that it is good for business, but how. I am not quite sure can any one out there help me. i feel i may be missing out on an opportunity here.
What does one write about and is there a correct way to do it so that i can push them towards my business

It basically comes with practice. Initially, get the blog started with the help of a buddy. You can then start experimenting with it as and when you have time. This suggestion is relevant when it's at a more personal level that you intend to use your blog for. Now coming to business, it's always better to get some professional help because using a blog well can make your business and not utilizing it right can break it too. The loss caused sometimes is irrecoverable. I suggest you take care while doing that.
Scam? 25th May 2012 11:11 AM
Unfortunately, like 99% of all scams on and offline, they either appeal to peoples greed, eg You've won something for nothing or peoples gullibility such as spoof bank emails asking for too much detail. I'd argue the who's who type scams could be classed as gullible, playing on peoples perceived online vanity.

Unfortunately, a lot of people do respond and make this profitable. Until we either stop being greedy, or wise up, then scam spam will be with us forever

We really need to start putting our brains to a wiser use and stop bothering about them completely. Ignorance can surely be bliss sometimes, Isn't it?
Basic Websites 25th May 2012 6:06 AM
Hey Carla, considering the fact that you aren't very well educated about SEO and Websites on the whole, hiring a content writer would be the best thing for you to do. All the best with it!
A content writer will always be wanted by companies. It's about how you write that counts on Google. Plagiarism is the only thing that they are against. And for the links that you spoke about, its how well you manage to not make it look like a spam is all that matters to let the link remain in the comment or the comment remain in the page. Hope this helped. Cheers.
Exit Strategy - do you have one? 25th May 2012 6:03 AM
So you launched your business, grafted night and day, year after year and you now have a healthy viable company.

So whats next?

Do you have a master plan to build your business up and get bought out by a big fish, or do you keep running it until you retire then look at selling up? Maybe you hope one of your offspring will take over the reigns?

Does anyone have a planned exit strategy they want to share, or is it something you haven't even considered with the day to day stress of running a business?

The last line of your comment is something I could surely connect well to. The sort of packed schedules we have doesn't let us think of anything else but work. But I also suggest the younger generation taking up responsibilities because their ideas could could be more innovative and effective too. Don't you think?
Business Banners 25th May 2012 5:57 AM
Congratulations! Once you have done your first one, I bet you won't look back

I'm no printer, but
Scam? 24th May 2012 9:01 AM
I've found countless results in Google for this kw search : world business directory spam, that explains not to sign the document and do business with this company.

That's some clever research in place. A couple of questions that runs on my mind all the time regarding this, When will these spams ever stop bothering us? And is there nothing that could be done about it other than avoiding?
I am not an employee so I will spend most of the time working on my business.

My personal opinion is that all bank holidays should be abolished with the days added to a persons holiday entitlement. They choose when to take the days which will help employers and give the employees choice.

That's a brilliant idea Andrew. I feel somewhat the same because when you do that, it wouldn't be a complete stop for the work process and at the same time, employees will also not have issues as they still get those as holidays! About me, I work from home so it's pretty much the same for me, I just need to complete my tasks before the deadline. When I choose to work is completely up to me.
Motivation 24th May 2012 8:49 AM
I generally tend to take quick breaks every hour and grab a bite. There's everything that I need to do myself, cook for instance, so that takes up all the time I want to spend on a break. Besides that, there are successful people who I look upto and take motivation from!